It all started with a fun Saturday morning with these two trouble makers. L and her Aunt Maci. It's crazy to believe these two are only 5 months apart. They are so funny together and they are so much alike. It's wonderful spending time with family! Peek-a-boo seems to be a family fav. L likes to bend over, put her head on the ground and Maci likes to cover her face. Whatever way you want to play peek-a-boo is fine, it's always fun!
Maci loves giving Lennon kisses and hugs! She's so sweet!
After spending some great time with my family I went shopping with my mom. I spent a lot more than I wanted to but with the discounts I got I could not pass the deals up! $6.00 dress coats and blazers? HECK YES.
After shopping I came home to do laundry, clean the house and hangout with this little munchkin. We do laundry together. It's quite messy and entertaining at the same time!
We had friends and family over last night for a cookout. Brats, steak, corn and more veggies, BEER, BULLSHIT [the card game, friends] and more BEER. It was a great time.
Looks like this guy had a rough time getting up this morning.
Lennon got up sooooo early, much earlier than normal, and I cuddled with her.
That is, until she wanted to wake Daddy up and was VERY unsuccessful at it.
Step 1: Pile all L's things on Daddy... blankey, bubba and paci.
She is so thoughtful and sweet. She was even so gentle when she was putting the things by him. Too cute!
Step 2: Give Daddy a million kisses, with sound effects of "ahhhhhhh".
Step 3: Look at Daddy like he's crazy and wonder WHY AREN'T YOU GETTING UP?!
Step 4: Okay, I give up....
So, Lennon and I gave up... we let Daddy sleep for another 45 minutes while we made French Toast and cleaned the kitchen! Lennon really just destroyed the silverware rack of the dishwasher while I made breakfast. Spoons were EVERYWHERE this morning.
This French Toast was the best I have EVER had & I don't like French Toast.
I guess I can't brag too much... the bread was homemade from Fuzzy's. For those of you who have been to Fuzzy's and bought their homemade Cinnamon Bread you know just how good it is. It's so good you've gotta make French Toast with it.
L had a lot of fun with breakfast too. She had yogurt, in a bowl with a spoon at first.
She tried eating with the spoon, said screw it and began drinking it.
Way to go, kid.
Yogurt stache?
It's the new thing.
After breakfast we played, and played.
L learned how to climb onto her car! Not only does she climb on to it, she STANDS on it!
OH, BOY... We are in for trouble now.
Baby gates, safety locks and bubble wrap, please?
It's been a very lazy Sunday so far. Dan and I took a long nap, L took a long nap and is still sleeping... Dan left to get fitted with his groomsmen for tux's [I can't wait to see what he picks out!!!] and I got a lot of things accomplished! I am still in the process of packing for this week long trip to Detroit which I am dreading in so many ways...
Hope they get done soon, I am STARVING.
Packing, packing, and more packing to come.
So, to add onto this from earlier... We have more fun!
Everyone went to BDubs after Dans tux fitting and we had a great time!

My brother Tyler and I!
L and her first lollipop! It was so funny watching her eat this.
L was so happy to see Uncle Tyler!
And after we got home Dan tried playing the grass harmonica! Too funny.
Happy Sunday Friends!