
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Happy Tuesday

Best things about today?
1. I had a FABULOUS hair day. Thank you mini-sample size hair spray! [insert Jim Carey's voice...Somebody's FABULOUS !!! Seriously, best movie ever]

2. I spoke with a woman from Greece today, she was enlightening... as she ripped up her signature from MY papers right job front of me and left my office. Yup, welcome to work in higher education. Go back to etiquette class. 
3. We got to choose toppings for our ice cream social we are having Thursday. Wait, my job does ice cream socials? YES. Add that to my list of 100 reasons I LOVE my new job. [And don't worry... that blog is in the making].
4. Dan and I are finally going to meet with our wedding officiant this weekend - WOOT!
5. Dan got some good news today which means he is one step closer to fulfilling his goals and starting a new journey for our family. I can't wait. :)
6. It's been rainy all day so tonight we are cuddling and watching vine videos that are so stupid but too funny to put down!
7. I went to my moms tonight to babysit my brother and sister and brought Lennon! They had a blast together. It was GREAT family time.

Lennon and Maci chased each other around the house and then hugged and cuddled together. Everything they did was TOGETHER. Too cute!

Then they got tired and wanted to nap. So they grabbed their blankies and went "nuh-nighhh" on the floor.

& Lennon was full of giggles and kisses tonight. Apparently Byron got sick of it!! His face = PRICELESS!

It really was a great Tuesday! Work tomorrow, work Thursday and then HELLOOOO- 4 day weekend!

Happy, Happy, Tuesday loves.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Weekend Recap

Friday was my first day back after a week long training in Detroit. I walked in the door and Lennon screamed and was so excited to see me! I was so happy to be home. 

Friday night Lennon and I went to my moms to hangout. She was so excited to see her GG, Aunt Maci and Uncle Byron! We played on the swing and L would not walk anywhere without holding onto GG's hand! It was too cute. 

Saturday was Byron's 6th Birthday party! We had a great time getting ready for it by painting our piggies to match and relaxing eating cheerios! We hung out with family all evening and had a blast. 

GG holding both of her favorite girls! Maci and Lennon. Maci loves to give kisses!

Lennon and her cousin Nolan! She wanted to cuddle with him. It was so cute. 

Saturday night Dan and I had friends over for a little BBQ and card games. It was so fun. Cold beer, hoodies, and friends. I couldn't have asked for a better night!

Sunday was our lazy day! Dan and I finally got to sleep in together for the first time in over a week! We slept in until 9:00 am and so did L! We lounged around on the couch all morning. Starbucks and breakfast and lots, and LOTS of cuddles!
After Lennon woke up from her nap we had company for a while and then went to dinner. Lennon loved having company over and playing with us. 

Nana and Papa came to visit us tonight! Lennon was so excited to show off all of her new tricks like:
1. Climbing on the couch
2. Sitting when you say, Lennon sit

All in all it was a great weekend. I can't wait to start my work week this week and start meeting new faces and creating new relationships with my customers! I am so ready for this new journey and I am so thankful for the friends and family that support me. Love you all! 

Happy Sunday!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Everyone Has a Story

This week has been life changing. Many things pop into my mind tonight as I am reflecting on my week long corporate training, the meetings, lunches with the VP and CEO, laughing, crying yet all inspiring. This week I have learned...

1. To listen. When no one else will, when you're too busy to sit down, when you're multi-tasking. LISTEN to people, it will change your life and theirs. 
2. To motivate and encourage.  People come to you for help. Listen to them so you can motivate and encourage them to change their lives for the better not only to help them succeed but to help their families to succeed. 
3. To just shut up. You really don't have to do all of the talking to get someone to open up to you. Sometimes all it takes it to show you care by listening!
4. My JOB rocks. I listened to my CEO and my VP talk about their life and stories and experiences in the business and personal. They are real people helping real people change their lives! Many times the new people I would meet at corporate said, "Welcome to the family, you're going to love it here!" Everyone has a smile on their face, they ask about our kids and your family, they care to know you and your story. It's an amazing feeling to LOVE my job again. 
5. I can make a difference. Monday morning when I walk into work it's all on me to make a difference in someone's life. 
6. They appreciate you! Today we had a corporate wide training meeting. They handed out awards and trophies to the top performers and employees that stood out. They went above & beyond to recognize us and it felt great knowing I am joining a team who's hard work is appreciated! 
7. Do your job and more! I never worked more than needed before because I HATED my job. I didn't take work home with me because I didn't need to suck up to my boss, they already hated me. I didn't get recognition for my work so why keep going above and beyond, right? This company values those employees who go above and beyond. We can help people help themselves and that's rewarding! 
8. You have to fight for it to win it!! If you work hard, you play hard. 
9. Don't judge a book by its cover. Never go into a situation expecting anything. 
10. Everyone has a story to tell... I learned this week that you may be sitting next to someone who just lost their home, their son, they don't have any money, no car, no house, no food. I learned that some people we work with haven't eaten in weeks, they live home to home, they don't even know where to run. Everyone has a story to tell and it's my job to figure it out so I can listen, motivate, encourage and believe in them! Not everyone has had someone in their life who believes in them so it's my job to do it! 

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Inspiration & Admiration

So, I've been in training for the past two days and I have learned more, been inspired more and admire more; about myself, this company and its values than I have through out every company I have ever worked for. 

My CEO is passionate about people. She is kind, yet tough. She is normal, not extravagant. She is easy to talk to, not harsh. She is caring and inspiring. She does everything herself. She writes employees herself, and attends meetings and lunch with us. She said to us, "if you feel it's not right, don't do it just for a number". Now, to you readers who may not know where I come from or where I am... It doesn't make sense. But to me, my fellow friends in the biz, you get it... You understand what a huge statement that is.

 I worked for a company that would yell, and scream and demand numbers to be hit on a daily basis but give no emotion showing any passion for their job or yours or changing people's lives to get that number. 

The CEO looked at us and said, "I love my job. Not for the money or the title but for changing people's lives and turning them into success stories". That's admirable. That's inspirational. I want to love my job that much. I want to be that good to change people's lives and make a difference.

I have had lunch with the VP of the company both days I have been in training and he doesn't stop talking. Ina good way. He tells us inspiring stories about his success within this company, how much it's changed his life and all of the lives he has come into contact with. It's amazing to sit next to the VP of your company and have him tell you that he loves his job. Not only did he rave about loving his job he raved about the company and the values and changing lives everyday. He raved about the people he met and the single mothers who turned out to be success stories. It almost brought tears to my eyes. 

I finally, finally am in a place I love. Finally I am in a place to call home away from home. Like the CEO said, when you're here you're family. They sure do a great job at treating you like you're family. From the pay, and benefits to the food and accommodations. They are phenomenal. 

I am so excited to be a successful hard worker and be the best at this job! 

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Weekend Recap

It all started with a fun Saturday morning with these two trouble makers. L and her Aunt Maci. It's crazy to believe these two are only 5 months apart. They are so funny together and they are so much alike. It's wonderful spending time with family! Peek-a-boo seems to be a family fav. L likes to bend over, put her head on the ground and Maci likes to cover her face. Whatever way you want to play peek-a-boo is fine, it's always fun!
Maci loves giving Lennon kisses and hugs! She's so sweet!
After spending some great time with my family I went shopping with my mom. I spent a lot more than I wanted to but with the discounts I got I could not pass the deals up! $6.00 dress coats and blazers? HECK YES.
After shopping I came home to do laundry, clean the house and hangout with this little munchkin. We do laundry together. It's quite messy and entertaining at the same time!

We had friends and family over last night for a cookout. Brats, steak, corn and more veggies, BEER, BULLSHIT [the card game, friends] and more BEER. It was a great time.

Looks like this guy had a rough time getting up this morning.
Lennon got up sooooo early, much earlier than normal, and I cuddled with her.
That is, until she wanted to wake Daddy up and was VERY unsuccessful at it.
Step 1: Pile all L's things on Daddy... blankey, bubba and paci.
She is so thoughtful and sweet. She was even so gentle when she was putting the things by him. Too cute!
Step 2: Give Daddy a million kisses, with sound effects of "ahhhhhhh".
Step 3: Look at Daddy like he's crazy and wonder WHY AREN'T YOU GETTING UP?!
Step 4: Okay, I give up....
So, Lennon and I gave up... we let Daddy sleep for another 45 minutes while we made French Toast and cleaned the kitchen! Lennon really just destroyed the silverware rack of the dishwasher while I made breakfast. Spoons were EVERYWHERE this morning.
This French Toast was the best I have EVER had & I don't like French Toast.
I guess I can't brag too much... the bread was homemade from Fuzzy's. For those of you who have been to Fuzzy's and bought their homemade Cinnamon Bread you know just how good it is. It's so good you've gotta make French Toast with it.
L had a lot of fun with breakfast too. She had yogurt, in a bowl with a spoon at first.
She tried eating with the spoon, said screw it and began drinking it.
Way to go, kid.

Yogurt stache?
It's the new thing.
After breakfast we played, and played.
L learned how to climb onto her car! Not only does she climb on to it, she STANDS on it!
OH, BOY... We are in for trouble now.
Baby gates, safety locks and bubble wrap, please?
It's been a very lazy Sunday so far. Dan and I took a long nap, L took a long nap and is still sleeping... Dan left to get fitted with his groomsmen for tux's [I can't wait to see what he picks out!!!] and I got a lot of things accomplished! I am still in the process of packing for this week long trip to Detroit which I am dreading in so many ways...
Hope they get done soon, I am STARVING.

Packing, packing, and more packing to come.

So, to add onto this from earlier... We have more fun! 

Everyone went to BDubs after Dans tux fitting and we had a great time! 
My brother Tyler and I!

L and her first lollipop! It was so funny watching her eat this. 

 L was so happy to see Uncle Tyler!  

And after we got home Dan tried playing the grass harmonica! Too funny. 

Happy Sunday Friends!

Thursday, August 15, 2013

10 Things Thursday

I currently LOVE

1. My job - because my boss is AWESOME, my co-workers are AWESOME, and I get business cards with my name on them. Rock on!

2. My desk - mainly because I get to buy cute office supplies to decorate with. It's huge and I'm an organization freak. I get to bring in pictures of my daughter and my sexy man to display and I get file cabinets of my own. AND I love PENS. So I bought two packs of pens tonight for my desk. I cant wait to use them!

3. It's practically Fall - I am obsessed with cappuccino. Lets face it, people look at you funny when you walk into work in the summer with a cappuccino but when Fall is approaching anything goes! 

4. Apple pie. I have one waiting to be cooked as we speak. Another reason I am obsessed with Fall. 

5. My soon-to-be-in-laws. They are AWESOME! They took Lennon shopping today, she got more clothes for next summer than I have in me entire wardrobe and they watch her for us whenever we need them too. They are our lifesavers and we are so grateful for an awesome family that is so helpful!

6. Meijer M-Perks. Free photo prints today! I printed the cutest picture of me and my man for my desk at work, and even for a frame on sale! Rock on! 

7. My Lennon. She amazes me every day at how much she learns. She plays catch, tosses things back and forth with you, says new words and babbles more, runs, kisses you all the time, walks with you in stores... I could go on and on. She's just awesome! 

8. My BIFF. She's been the rock in my life for so long and I appreciate her so much! Love you!

9. My art. Art is therapy, it's relaxing, soothing, and it helps express your thoughts and feelings. I am so thankful I still have time to paint. I love it. 

10. My fiancé supporting my dream and my goals. I wanted a new job and I worked hard for it, kicked butt in the interviews and I got it! Next step is going back to school to get my degree. I can't wait to start school and he couldn't be more supportive of it. I am so blessed to have a man that wants to see me succeed. :) 

Happy Thursday! XO

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Helluva HORRAY Day

Today was awesome for a few reasons

1. I started my NEW job - HOORAY!

2. I LOVE my NEW job - HOORAY!

3. I got out early & Dan got out early = family time - HOORAY!

4. That means we had dinner together with L at Applebee's - HOORAY!

5. We got home from dinner and Lennon was dancing and shaking her butt so Dan decided to dance with her and the FUNNIEST THING EVER HAPPENED - Dan's shorts split RIGHTDOWNTHEMIDDLE [you must say that in a little girl voice with an accent from London. HOORAY for Parent Trap].

6. Dan would not let me get a picture of said ripped shorts while he was wearing them because he was too embarrassed. But, I did get a picture of the shorts AFTER.

"& this is what happens when you TWERK with a 1 year old"

I think Dan get's the best father of the year award for this one - HOORAY for twerking Dad's!

For the record, I had no idea what "twerking" was until tonight. I YouTube'd it and this is what I found. Here's a little HOW TO for you fellow out-of-the-loop friends of mine.


So after my first day at my new job, meeting all my new co-workers and bosses I came home raving about how much I love it there. They are phenomenal. I have never in my life worked for a company that takes that much pride in what they do and how they affect peoples lives. It's amazing. Well, let's not get too far ahead of myself here. It's only my first day. Meh, I'm keeping my hopes high and my fingers crossed. HOORAY to a new beginning!

I would say it's been a HELLUVA HOORAY DAY!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Overwhelmed is an Understatement

Today has only begun and I am so overwhelmed! Luckily, Dan and I both had today off so we can relax and spend some time together!

This morning we took L to the pediatric surgeon for a consultation. 

Back up about 10mo... Lennon has a cyst type lump on her bottom left heel. We noticed it when she was 3 months old. Her pediatrician took a look at it, mentioned it really wasn't a huge concern and shaved it off. (Never sent it in for testing. Which is really frustrating!) It came right back. I, being the overly curious mommy, messed with it and pushed whatever it is that's inside of the lump out... This didn't help, it just got bigger. Damn. So here we are...

Now, it (this lump thing) bothers her when the doc messes with it, or when we push on it. Doesn't bother her when she walks though, so that's a good thing! Nonetheless it's bothersome to her, its gotten bigger since it was shaved off so we need to figure out what it is. Could be a wort, could be a cyst... But we can't find out until its removed and tested.

Unfortunately, this means outpatient surgery. (This is the part where I cry and I am totally anxious and overwhelmed about this!) 

So surgery is scheduled for next week.. The week I am supposed to be in training in Detroit for my new job that I haven't even started yet. I am praying to God today for a few things. 1. That my new employers will be understanding and okay with me taking a day off next week 2. That Lennon's surgery goes smoothly, her anesthesiologist is good, and she wakes up. 

On a side note there are a few good things about today
2. I am totally taking a break and going to get my nails done!

3. If you ask what's wrong I might explode. One of those 2,857 things I'm sure. But, after some me time, beer with my gf and her bf later, or some good ole' us time... I might be okay! 

4. Or... I just forget about it, have a beer and save it for a later day. Yup, that sounds about right. 

Monday, August 12, 2013

Lennon is 13 months

Lennon is now a mini-toddler... It's hard to believe she is 13 months old! 

At thirteen months old Lennon has become more independent, a heck of a lot funnier, and developed quite the personality! She finally has a nick name... well at least in my iPhone and in my blog. ;) It's just much easier for me to type L, and it's cute.

Favorite things to do - She loves to eat with a spoon! Lennon loves taking the spoon and dunking it in the bowl of oatmeal or yogurt. Or last nights occasion, ICE CREAM! She loves doing things on her own now. Like bring her shoes to you for you to put them on her, grab your hand when she's walking so she doesn't fall, stand up on any thing...even the couch and try to dive face first off of it. She walks to the fridge and says "bubba" when she wants her milk, and runs to dada at the door when he gets home from work! She loves taking a bath [the whole bathroom gets soaked], cuddling with her blankey [she can't sleep without it] and she loves going to the mall, waving to people and taking walks. She spills her cheerios on the floor and picks them up... wait... AND she even puts them back in the bowl! AMAZING.
Favorite words - Babababa [referring to the banana minions song that she is so obsessed with], Dada, Mama. MOM!, Nennen [we are working on Lennon!], Bubba, Baby [that's a new one as of today!], ball, Nana, Papa, Gg. 

Favorite things - She loves playing with her balls and blocks and walking around with her blankey.

Favorite food - veggies and fruit, chicken nuggets, slurpees and ice cream!

Lennon has had her first experience being sick. This week she had Hand Foot and Mouth. Talk about a TERRIBLE thing. She had blisters on her hands and feet and in her cheeks, lips and under the tongue. Okay, that's gross enough, I don't have to elaborate. It was TERRIBLE. TERRIBLE. TERRIBLE. AND - SHE WAS MISERABLE which makes me miserable. I was crying in pain for her and we had a rough week taking time off and working around the no day care rule while she got better. I am so glad she is finally feeling better.

It's crazy to think that Lennon is 13 months old... I was seriously going to stop these blogs at 12 months but there is just too much to brag about that I can't stop. Til' the day Lennon becomes boring... I will blog. :)


Friday, August 9, 2013

A Day with Lennon

What a wonderful feeling it is to wake up at 9:00 AM on a Friday to a silent home, a clean home, [a disinfected home from Lennon's sickness this week], a sleeping baby, and the best part... no obligations to go to work, check my email or look for a missed call from one of those employees I used to have! AMEN, sister. I really could get comfortable with this lifestyle!

I invited my dad and his fiance' over for coffee this morning. So, what did I do? Created a little coffee bar! Looks fancy? Eh, not so much like Pinterest had it planned but close & i'm sure it tastes the same! I pulled out the coffee pot, the caramel syrup, cream and sugar and delicious dark roast and went to town in my own little townhome. It was delish! I've been drinking it all morning.... caffeine overload.

Since I am home with my cranky child with spots [literally, she has spots on her hands now], I have decided to turn up the Pandora, not take a shower, lounge in Dan's cozy ARMY shirt and sweats and paint! I found an old canvas that I painted a while ago but did nothing with and some primer in the cabinet. [An artist always has painting supplies lying around for a day like this!] So, I am painting over the old and beginning with the new! A little project for our home that will symbolize our new life as a married couple. A bit early, but what the heck. Why not? Who doesn't like listening to some jams and painting in their PJ's with caramel coffee? That's what I thought.

Later, I think Lennon and I will do some shopping. I went to the store yesterday and found the cutest fall jacket and jeans and I MUST have them. I need some new fall clothes. I cannot wait!
A little later than that I am going to do some hardcore research for online schools. [If you have ideas for me throw them out there]. My goal is to get my bachelor's degree in Business Management before Lennon starts school so I can get my business rocking and rolling in 4 or 5 years. This is seriously going to take a lot of planning and expensing, money saving and traveling but I am SO ready for it. I know in my heart and mind that I can do it and I will do it. Friends, don't jump to the question asking just yet. I can't spill the beans too soon. I have plans... you may just have to wait a few years to hear them or see them come to life. I don't want to jinx myself. Yes, I believe in superstitions. But I also believe in myself, and my hard work will pay off in the end.
So for now, I have 90's pop radio on in the kitchen, waiting for paint to dry, listening to the monitor for L to stir, and relax while I think...think... think. I LOVE days like this!
<3 XO

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Today was the day I have anticipated all week - the day I have been dreaming of since I began to HATE my job - the day that I finally... FINALLY... quit my job! 

I walked out the doors today and it was like a breath of fresh air. Wind blowing in my hair, sun shining on my face and at last... I felt FREEDOM. 

No more nagging, complaining or stupid rude emails at all times of the day or night, no more phone calls from employees at 6:00am, no more harassing-walkalloveryou-bitchy people, no more micro-managing, no more working for a terrible company that doesn't value their employees... I am free! FREE!!!!

I have not felt this good in a long time! I can't wait to start my new job. This new opportunity is so, so, so exciting!! 

(PS I will never post on a social networking site where I work! That's just dangerous because let's face it... I blog a lot and I blog the truth. But, message me and I will share the details!) 

Ok, that's my rant for today! 

Best wishes to all of my friends still stuck in that hell hole and I'm praying for you! Love you all! XO 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Just another manic... Tuesday?

Today has been crazy & hectic. In reality, let's face it... it's been a bit manic.

It all started yesterday... I knew today was going to be a long day as soon as I picked little Lennon up from day care yesterday afternoon. She was tired, crabby and so sad. My little L didn't feel good at all. We got home and daddy had dinner ready which she didn't hardly touch. She didn't want a bottle, or juice, or snacks... she just wanted cuddles and kisses. Hey, who doesn't love when their baby just wants to cuddle and kiss? :)

We ran to the store for some more medicine and a new thermometer. Let me tell ya, that digital thermometer is not my dear friend anymore. We relied on that thing to tell us if little L had a fever and it was WRONG. UGH... So, I bought a brand new one from Babies R'Us and sure enough Lennon's temp was 101.7. Poor babe.

We got home, gave her some medicine and a bottle and off to bed she went [or so we thought]. She fell asleep for about an hour and woke up screaming and crying, probably in so much pain and uncomfortable from the high fever. I took her temp again and it's still not gone down at all. 10:30pm rolls around and I was still cuddling with her, rocking her to sleep. Daddy called the doc. because we were so worried about her temp being so high and not coming down... after that she finally fell asleep and slept through the night until 9:00 this morning! [thank goodness]

But, me being a crazy mom I went in her room at 6:30 this morning worried about her since I hadn't heard a peep all night. She was sound asleep in her crib with her little butt in the air cuddled up with her tiny baby blanket sucking on her paci. Such a cute sight to see in the morning. So, I rubbed her back, brushed her curls out of her face and felt her forehead. She was on FIRE. I mean, she was literally burning up with sweat beads on her skin. Her temp was still there! I didn't want to wake her, so I let her sleep it off but I woke her up at 9:00 and gave her some breakfast and some more medicine. 

After trying to feed her breakfast and she wasn't eating I looked in her mouth and she had a huge sore on her lip and in her cheeks. I called my mom, [of course] and called the doc next. Doc set her up with an appointment and after it was said and done he told me that she does indeed have hand, foot, mouth disease and told me she has to stay out of day care, and home for 1 week. OMG. Then, he looked at her foot [which has been scabbed up for over 6 months and not healing] and told me that she needs to see a surgeon to see what we can do about  it going away for good. As if hand, foot, mouth isn't bad enough... Poor baby girl.

So, since mama and L are home together today and she has been napping since we got home... I did some online shopping for her & I! H&M is seriously my new fav place to shop for little L. Their clothes are amazing, cute, and cheap. Can't get much better than that. I got so much stuff for SO cheap!

And look at these amazing boots. OMG

& this onesie... TODIEFOR.

Of course L is too young to benefit from retail therapy but mama can and I can show her all of these amazing gifts when they arrive next week! Then she will be happy!

So, today... hopefully Lennon will eat lunch. Hopefully Dan and I can figure out our work schedules this week and next to help her heal up and keep her from spreading this nasty virus to others.

I'm watching The Talk, drinking a delicious ice cold tea from McD's and relaxing. Mmm.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, August 5, 2013

My Best Friends Wedding [in pictures]

This weekend my very best friend got married to the man of her dreams! 

I went to Grand Rapids Friday night for rehearsal and dinner with the bridal party. We had a blast! I stayed the night at their home and enjoyed every minute of the last minute details that go into the wedding day! 

Wedding morning we got up bright and early! Had mimosa's and breakfast and got our hair done! 

We ventured off to the salon for makeup and then ran to the church to get ready! 

We had lots of photo's and shots of Captain and nerves going through the roof as we awaited the big moment. 

Acting silly always helps calm your nerves! 

We walked down the aisle and listened to the bride and grooms beautiful ring exchanging vows and time flew by! Before you knew it we were off to take photos in the street and the reception was on its way!

We walked down the streets in GR in heels and fancy dresses. It was so fun! 

We finally got to the reception and I made my toast to the bride and groom with my maid of honor speech! I loved it and even though the damn mic didn't like me I thought it turned out great! 

McKensey and I had fun laughing and chatting at the head table eating delicious food and having cold beer. Mmmmmmmmmm! Perfect. 

I even got to steal the bride away from her man for the best picture of the night! In a photo booth!

We had a fun filled night of dancing and drinks and after it was all said and done and we got kicked out of the reception it was off to the BOB for some more dancing and drinks!

And my sexy man even started stripping. Imagine that. 

But we take really great pictures together! I love him. 

At the end of the night we found our favorite wiener - man and got a million wieners. They are the best. Bride and Groom loved it!

Best thing about being MOH - holding the dress up every time the Bride has to tinkle. It was so funny! 

Even Dan and I got in the photo booth and had a blast! 

Well, that sums up wedding #1. Mine is next and I feel like its creeping up so fast!!!! 

Time to recover from this one, let the blisters heal, put on my running shoes and hit the ground running to take care of wedding crap! 4 more months!