Age - 18 months. Holy cow. As I rock my not so much of a baby to sleep tonight her legs are hanging off the rocking chair, her head doesn't quite fit in the little curve of my neck, one of her hands is squeezing my shirt collar and the other is holding her silk blankey that she can't love without. She's finally quiet and peaceful... After a long day of running, playing, chasing and cleaning up messes behind her she's finally, yet surprisingly, completely exhausted all of her energy and she's asleep. (Thank God)! She's going to be 18 months old in the morning when she wakes... It's weird to think that it's been 18 months with Lennon in our lives. 18 WONDERFUL, beautiful, happy, crazy months. As parents we have loved more than we could have ever dreamt, we have laughed and played more than we did as kids, we have learned a whole new meaning of love, life and true happiness, we have taught eachother patience and trust, we have learned new ways to teach, eat and pray. We love every minute of our lives with Lennon, it's crazy how much love consumes you in 18 short months!
Favorite Food - Anything mama & dada are eating! Grilled cheese, Chicken, Veggies, fruit and juice! She also has a slight obsession with drinking from my tumbler cup! She loves it.
Favorite Words - "Miiiiiike", she loves her Uncle Mike from Colorado and she says his name almost every day. She likes saying, "poporrrrn" (popcorn), "jew" (juice), "pee", "toy", "toon" (cartoon) and of course mama, dada, nana, papa, GG, Matt, "OOO-OOO" (dog).
Favorite Activities - reading books, vacuuming the floor with her singing vacuum and drawing on her new chalkboard table. She likes playing in the snow, chasing us around the house, feeding Lucky treats all the time (even when Nana and Papa see her!) haha!
Favorite Things - All of her new toys! Her princess books that she got for Christmas, and her stuffed animal pooh!
Milestones (since 1 year) - we officially took the "bubba" away! I hid them, put them all away and now we only use a sippy with milk in it for naps and bed time. Perfect! We have also been practicing her ABC's and 1-10's! She's doing so great so far! She is learning how to tell us when she has to pee and poop, usually it's a little too late but she knows where her potty is (and unfortunatly knows where all of the toilet paper is - and I mean the WHOLE FREAKIN' ROLL)! She goes to bed without being rocked... We sit on the couch, cuddle and drink her milk, have a snack and watch Disney Jr! Then we go upstairs, hug and kiss and she goes in the crib! (This still makes me sad and I secretly hope she cries a little sometimes so I can rock her to sleep)!
Looking forward to - no more diapers and no more pacifiers! I'm slowly working on taking the paci away during the day and only using at night! She talks with it in too much and only uses it because she's used to it. I'm working on her!
In 6 short months my baby will be a toddler... (Although when you ask her how old she is she will tell you "twoooo")! She is growing up so fast.
Happy 18 months, Little Lennon.