
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

London | 5 Months

London is one of the happiest babies we have ever met! She is always laughing and giggling, smiling when you look at her and of course only cries when you look away, or if she's hungry. Diva.  Within a month London has changed so much - she's officially found her voice, her toes and her favorite toy, Sophie. She is always rolling around on the floor - finally (I was secretly getting worried for a while when she was the last of her little friends to roll). She can roll front to back, back to front and when you leave her on the floor alone she ends up in another place when you come back. It's fun! I am really looking forward to next month when we start exploring the world of solid foods full force and begin baby led weaning. I have to say, I am super excited! Last night we cut up an avocado for her to play with and see what she would do. Good news: she didn't hate it. Bad news: it is soooooo messy! 

This weekend she actually made it an entire 47 minutes in church nursery until I had to rescue her. She was a happy baby once mama was there... or should I say once the milk was there. I have to say, this nursing thing has really created an amazing bond between us. I can't imagine stopping... although some days I want to. Hey, that's the honest mom truth coming out right? 

Lennon has already created her nicknames - Lon, Londie and sister are her favorites. She loves to call her a monster especially when she growls ALL.THE.TIME. It's seriously the cutest thing ever! Len and Lon, I like it. 

The other night she said "da-da-da-da". We thought it was cute, Dan loved it but I think it might just be baby babbling. Nonetheless, it was adorable. Let's hope she does it again soon!

London has been sleeping great - I mean, seriously we got so lucky with the girls.
She sleeps from 7pm-7:30am most nights with only waking up once in the night to nurse and when she does wake up in the mornings she's happy as can be smiling and cooing, most of the time growling. She's part monster - I am sure of it. The only time that awesome sleep schedule changed was during a very short-lived 4 month sleep regression at the beginning of her 4th month and last week when she woke up 3-4 times a night for no apparent reason other than being ravenous. It was like I couldn't get the boob to her face fast enough! She makes this begging sound when she knows I am going to nurse her... she starts to pull at my shirt and laugh/cries when it's time - almost like a panting dog when they're begging for a treat. Sheesh. 
This is real life people, I don't make this stuff up.

London LOVES growling - I am not entirely sure where this came from. Some experts say that babies mock us and their surroundings while other doctors have said there's no evidence or truth to it. However, we think she's learned from her favorite member of this family when it comes to the growling sounds... the dog. She loves watching him walk around, he loves laying by her on the floor and she especially loves grabbing Luke by his ears and trying to eat his face while he licks her ENTIRE face, gross... right? She really enjoys her feet now and will pull her socks off and try to eat her toes.
 She loves when Daddy giggles with her and says "zoom-zoooooom-zoom" to attack her. She loves when big sister talks to her and plays with her on the floor to get her to roll around. She tries to grab everything out of your hands - like my moms hot coffee that she spilled everywhere on Mother's Day. Oops! She loves GiGi tickling her and making her giggle. She likes going for walks in the Tula and playing outside when it's nice out. Lastly, she LOVES her new bath. Bath time is fun now that she can share the big tub with Lennon and she grabs the toys and eats them. 

There isn't much that London doesn't like... 
unless she's hungry or overtired. 
We are really blessed with a happy baby girl!

Happy five months baby girl!

Monday, May 9, 2016

London | 8 Weeks

London Marie is 8 weeks old today, where has the time gone? 

I'm emotional. I'm emotional about her growing up, I already can't remember what it was like holding a squishy newborn baby. In the beginning I wished for this day, the day that she was a little older, not waking up every two hours, not cluster feeding 24-7, etc. and now that it's here it's crazy how fast it came. I'm emotional because I'm thankful and grateful and so appreciative of what my hubs does for us. If I was still working I would be sending this sweet baby girl to day care every day for the last two weeks. I would be missing the snuggles at nap time, the sweet smiles during her happy time of day, the way she holds on to me while nursing, the coo's and giggles she's learning to do. I'm emotional because this very well could be my last baby, our last little bundle of squish. I am hanging onto every moment, every puke smelled shirt, every squishy cheek kiss, and every little whine and cry because I know it's for me. I love looking at her knowing we created this, we created a beautiful little girl and I love being her mom!

Okay, less emotional thought... Can I just say THANK GOD for sleep?! It's been great lately, knock on wood. London goes to bed around 9-10PM (still working on getting that earlier) and sleeps until around 4:30AM. Dream feed. Sleep until 8:30-9:00AM. Whew, mama needed some sleep this week and it's been working out well for me! Last night she slept for 9 hours!!!! 9 HOURS!!!!! & get this, she still took a great morning nap! I'm lucky! I am feeling so much more energized in the morning and well rested. I still need a ton of coffee in the morning to help me stay awake all day when Dan works these long hours but this is a step in the right direction. Let's hope and pray for everyone's sake that it stays this way! 

The last couple of weeks London has been more awake during the evening, more alert and happier. She's smiling and cooing, giggling when Lennon talks to her and calls her "honey bear" which has since become her little nickname and we adore it! 

We have been having a great week - I won a Tula... my dream giveaway, my dream baby carrier... a freakin' Tula and a Tula Blanket. Yes, I screamed like a child getting ice cream! Then in the same week I won some baby feeding accessories & my dear friend opened an Etsy shop with some adorable bandana bibs so I splurged and ordered 3 for London! They're cheap, adorable and that's a WIN WIN! Girls, boys, gender neutral... Check them out here - Tiny Champion

I had an amazing Monday this week when I scored this limited edition new diaper! As soon as I saw that it was a Beatles song I was determined that I had to buy it! Here's miss London in her new "All You Need Is Love" diaper"! It came just in time for Valentines Day! 

 I sit back and I watch my girls love each other more and more every day. I look at them and think, this is my life... and it will only get better from here. I may cry from exhaustion, scream in my head at the long days we have alone while Dan works but we are so in love with our little family that none of that seems to matter at the end of the day. I go to bed thanking God for all he's given us and continues to give, I pray for happier moments, shorter days alone, less crying, whining and more giggling, less arguing with my toddler and more talking, I pray for more nights with my husband that aren't consumed with work, and overall I pray for the health of my girls. I am learning as I go, no one wrote a book on how to be a mom, what to do when you're overwhelmed and exhausted and can't take a nap, no one guides you through this. I am getting better and stronger every day and I thank my friends and family for that. 

Happy 8 weeks baby girl! 

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Here's My Heart

Today was rough and such a blessing all in one... 

We were up every two to three hours last night with London. Teething may have begun, she's fussier than normal, she's gnawing on everything and when she wakes she can't calm herself back to sleep. So it's mommy to the rescue every.single.time. Because... boob juice is magic. Duh. 

On top of a sleepless night we ran around like chickens with our heads cut off all day. We had plumbers come over and fix a pipe with the house which of course cut out more drywall in my main entry way... dust is everywhere! We took my car in to be fixed after I hit the garage door... oops! However, the good news is my car is all fixed up... and detailed inside! It rocks when you have a good Uncle that's the boss! (Thanks!) 

Then while Dan was gone and London was napping I was able to unwind, grab some tea and tackle some housework. 

That's when it hit me.

I was listening to a new album on iTunes and it hit me hard. I heard...

"I am found, I am Yours

I am loved, I'm made pure
I have life, I can breathe
I am healed, I am free

Here's my heart, Lord..."

and in that song I was so engaged... I was thinking about everything I do on a daily basis. Thinking about how I get so tired at the end of the day, I complain about the never ending dishes or laundry, the messes and the sleepless nights. I am a mom but some days that's all I feel like... But when I listened to that song I felt that everything I am doing is good and I'm doing what He wants me to do, what He thinks is the best thing for me to do. This life I live is the life I was meant to live. I'm alive. I'm pure. I'm loved and I'm someone's perfect creation. I am His. 

"You are strong, You are sure

You are life, You endure
You are good, always true
You are light breaking through."

I needed to feel that today as I was sitting on the basement floor drowning in laundry. Some days I use it as my outlet - I shut the door, turn on some music and drown out the screaming kids upstairs. 
Today I used it as a place to breathe, think, unwind and reflect. Chat with my best friend about the never ending life of a mom, reflect on me, my life as a mom, my life as a wife and as a child of God. It's easy to get lost in this world when you're a stay at home mom doing the same routine daily. I've been searching for the feeling I got today my whole life, this feeling of being His and feeling like I belong in this world and today I really felt it. It really hit me hard when I was listening to Lauren Diagle's new album. She knows exactly how to say the things I am feeling. 

As I looked around me I saw the piles of clothes and thought... I am alive, I am a mom and this is MY HEART. These clothes are here because of God, these little blessings we've created that God blessed us with are here because of GOD's work and His trust in me to be a good mother, a good teacher and compassionate loving wife. This is a result of God giving me life and a great heart. 

So here's my heart Lord... 
Speak what is true.

Tonight as I sat with my girls I kissed them both so much, told them how much I love them and thanked God for the life he's given us. Some days it's hard, and really challenging but we overcome, we endure because He is LOVE.