Sunday, September 11, 2016

London | 9 Months

AT 9 MONTHS OLD : She's almost been out as long as she's been in! (two more weeks)
  • has two teeth
  • crawling
  • Says "HI", "muhhhh", "dada", "yeah"
  • babbles all the time and mocks big sister no matter what she does... kissy faces, lip smackin', growling, you name it!
  • eats everything we eat and more!

Sharing a room with big sis! The girls are finally in the same room and we have a playroom in the house again, what a relief! My biff convinced me to switch them into the same bedroom so that we could have more space for toys in the house and let me tell ya', I am so thankful we did. The girls go to bed great, don't wake each other up, and wake up separately in the morning usually without making a sound... then there are some mornings where they chat away and it's seriously the most heart melting sound ever. One of their favorite things to do is mock each other. Lennon will make a kissy noise and London will do it back, every.single.time we are in the car for the.entire.time. It's the best... Favorite toys around here are her raspberry teether, her wooden teether, and her toy cars. She is drinking bottles all by herself and eating finger foods now more than puree's so I've been spending a lot of time on Pinterest looking at healthy home made finger foods for babies - if you have any ideas or tried and true recommendations let me know, I'd love to check them out and try new things! We are officially out of cloth diapers... I couldn't even keep up with my own laundry let alone diaper laundry. Once teething hit and Lon kept getting diaper rashes I was done. I would love to go back to them someday but we will see... these Target diapers are so cheap, and soooo nice! Headache free, hassle free, leak free and best yet, LAUNDRY FREE. Making my life simpler one thing at a time. She loves going to gymnastics with big sis and playing all over the floor watching the big kids, and crawling super fast toward the foam pit! 

Oh, and she's getting into EVERYTHING. 

Some of OUR favorite & must have baby items so far are:
Dohm sound machine - AMAZING and such a must have!
LuSa Organics Sleep Potion
Aden & Anais blankets to snuggle with
Camilia for teething

London doesn't like being left alone - if you leave the room she whines and then crawls super fast toward you to follow you anywhere you go. She's not scared of the hardwood floors anymore... or the dog dishes. Joy. 
She doesn't like tomatoes - go figure, big sis doesn't either! She doesn't like dirt or sand in her hands or mouth, but won't stop trying to eat it either. This child is a handful.