Saturday, February 23, 2013

Lennon is 7 months

My sweet, sweet princess is 7 months old!
and there is no doubt she acts like one too...
Lennon has her own personality now.
She laughs all the time, seriously. ALL.THE.TIME!

Lennon finally says, "DaDa!" and she won't stop saying it.
She babbles all the time, someday she will say "Mama".
But, that's if I am lucky...
Nana and Papa are on this kick that she will say Nana first!
Oh, man.
Lennon has started eating veggies and fruits!
We learned the hard way that she HATES green beans,
even when I sneak them into the sweet taters she knows!
Babies are so gosh-darn smart, I tell ya.
She loves carrots and sweet taters,
hates green beans and naners.
She loves bath time, always has really.
But, now she plays with the water coming out of the faucet.
She tries to grab it and eat it.
Oh, and she can stick a whole ducky in her mouth.
Great accomplishment, Lennon.
She is now scooting when she is on the floor.
One minute she will be lying on the blanket on the living room floor,
and the next thing ya know she is under the coffee table trying to pull herself up.
Yes, that happened.
Silly, girl.
She is mesmerized by absolutely everything!
She grabs a toy and wants to eat it,
but she examines it first.
Just like her mamma, she's a thinker.
and I guess she gets the brains from Daddy.
He's a smarty-pants.
or... is it a smart-ass?
Both, I guess!
She is top heavy.
Yes, that cute little face is too heavy for her chubby little bottom half.
I sit her up on the floor and she sits there for a few,
then topples right over.
It really is the cutest thing!
Lennon loves the camera.
Just like momma, she takes every opportunity to look silly for a photo.
(Photo shoot below)
Lennon loves eating the corners of pillows,
scrunching up her face like a puppy,
I swear she learned it from Lucky but who knows :)
She loves laughing at Daddy talking to her.
She enjoys strolling through the mall
and looking at the lights.
She loves eating the tags on things,
especially her toys.
She loves grabbing mammas hair,
and daddys scruffy face.
She enjoys rolling around,
on the floor, on the couch,
off her changing table.
Yep, that happened.
(but mamma caught her in mid-air).
Whew, that was the scariest moment ever!
Lennon loves life,
and we love life with her in it.


My favorite!!

The end,
Until next time.


  1. What a sweetie! You do such a good job recording everything she is doing. You will love being able to look back at that down the road.
