So, this weekend was awesome. To sum it up for you - Dan took me to Cedar Point! It was hot and sunny, then a bit too hot - way too sunny, went swimming, ate Steak & Shake, went back to CP - then it was rainy, windy -tsunami-like storms came in - we played in the rain, won Lennon a stuffed minion - jumped in the puddles & sprinted back to the car & waited an hour in line to leave the park. Went to hotel, drank for free - ate dinner - Jacuzzi-tubbed-it - watched a movie - passed out. On the way home, got a new iPhone for free, went to the brewery - got lunch and delicious beer, got fudge and almonds, and went to pick up our little girl. She screamed-kissed-hugged us & minion who is now a part of our family as the little "big" brother & we came home. Now it's nap time for the three of us, and minion is in the van. So the stories begin...
I dropped Lennon off at Nana & Papas Friday night and almost cried. I knew I would miss her but had no idea I would miss her SO much! I waited for Dan to come home from work and we headed out downtown for some birthday celebrations.
Apparently, Retro was the place to be. I enjoyed the Vodka & Redbulls and I even got a random stranger to give me a cupcake. Heck yes.

Saturday morning came way too soon. We left home around 5:30am to head to Cedar Point! We arrived at 9:30 - just in time to apply layers of sunscreen, tennis shoe it up and run to the Gatekeeper! That ride is so awesome. Thank goodness we got to the park early, we only waited 30 mins in line for the ride. As we got off the ride, the line had made it to 3 hour wait time. DANG!
The park was crazy. So many people... 97 degrees outside and I got exhausted quickly. We bought the fast lane pass so we could cut everyone in line for the biggest rides! It was totally worth the extra money! We waited 30 minutes or less for rides that people had been waiting over 2 hours for! Best birthday gift!
After riding all of the must have's we were exhausted. The heat had gotten to us and we needed air conditioning. We left the park and checked into our hotel! Outdoor pool was calling out our name... We jumped right in and had a good time laying out! Seriously, so refreshing!
Then, here's the best part....
We went to Steak & Shake for dinner! Omg- I'm obsessed. They had a red velvet cake milkshake! Yum! So yum, we even bought their yummy seasoning to take home.
We finally won a huge minion and I jumped up and down and screamed I was SO HAPPY! After we won we made a run for the car. Thunder and lightening all around us, rain pouring down, sidewalks and parking lot was flooded but we ran and made it to the car with minion in hand. SOAKING WET!
Everyone was happy! Except this man... Walking in the pouring rain with a giant gorilla on his shoulders! Look at the bright side, the gorilla was keeping him dry right? Haha!

We made it back to the hotel and had a hell of a time arguing with the hotel clerk about our terrible room. But in the end we ended up with free drinks at the bar and a cheaper rate. So we drank, ate the terrible food, sat in the jacuzzi that only worked on one setting, watched tv and passed out. I can't even remember saying goodnight to each other... Oops!
We left Ohio this morning and made it back to Michigan with no problems. Minion seat-belted in the back seat and the air on high, we hit the road. Made it to the Apple Store in Novi and I finally got a new phone!
After that we had lunch at the Frankenmuth Brewery and it was delicious! It was my first time there and I had a yummy Blonde Ale and soup and salad! Perfect way to end the weekend.
We picked up Lennon from Nana & Papas and when we walked in she scurried over to us - screaming! She couldn't decide which one of us to go to first. She gave me a hug and have Dan a hug and laughed when she saw the minion! She tried picking it up and kissed it and hugged it. It was too cute.
Now we are home - Lennons down for a nap and I'm blogging. Dans doing homework and then we are going to visit with my dad & Jenny to swim!
What a perfect weekend!
Thanks, babe for making my birthday wonderful!