Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Lennon is 11 months

Today I woke up thanking God,
For my daughter, a happy and very healthy now 11 month old baby girl who has not a care in the world. She laughs and plays and doesn't have to worry about a thing but being happy!

Lennon has the brightest smile, the biggest eyes and chubby cheeks. Her hair is getting more curls every day and she's learning new things every time I pick her up from day care! She has developed such an awesome personality. She laughs at everything, waves hi and bye to everyone including strangers at the store. She is fun to be around and definitely brings joy and love into everyone's lives she meets. She really is a blessing!

This month so far....
Lennon's Favorite Words
Nana, Papa, Bubba, Da-da, Mamma, Buh-bye, Haaaaa, Baa! (Boo!), Do-do, Duh.
She mocks almost everything she can that you say. I was on the phone with a friend and said, "DUH"! and what do ya' know... Lennon says, "duh"! Top funny! She plays peek a boo with Daddy and when Dan says "Boo" Lennon says, "Baa!" It is probably the best thing ever. 
Lennon's Favorite Foods
Chicken lunch meat, cheese, watermelon, fruits and veggies, tortillas
or... anything that Mamma and Dada are eating!
Lennon finally is over the jar baby food. She won't eat it... She had chicken and tortillas and cheese for dinner! I'm so sad. Those little baby size spoons are just too cute
Lennon's Favorite Things to do
Take baths, take walks, read books, play with remotes, jump, bounce, crawl really fast, pull herself up, try to walk, play peek-a-boo, take car rides, go to the mall, wave "Hi" and "Bye" to people walking past, watch TV with mamma.
Open and shut doors, dresser drawers or anything that opens and closes!
Lennon is starting to walk - with her walker, or anything she can pull herself up on, really! She walks along the couches and chairs and she walks with us when we hold her hand!! It's the cutest thing in the world. 

Daddy and I took her to the park today and she had a blast on the swings! She laughed and screamed the whole time. Then we went to Mooney's and Lennon had Superman ice cream for the first time ever... and she LOVED it! Of course :)
Lennon's LEAST Favorite Things to do
Diaper changes, sitting still for more than .2 seconds, get in her car seat, not get out of her car seat fast enough, sit in her high chair with no food - don't try it, she freaks out!

I can't believe our little baby will be 1 year old in just a short month! It's insane! I am rocking her to sleep and I feel like I missed a whole year... How could it have gone by so fast? I have so much to plan for her first birthday and so much to do! I can't wait to give her cake and ice cream and presents! I ordered Piggy Paint and I cannot wait to paint her nails! I also ordered a princess tutu for her birthday party :) 

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