After a long stressful weekend you'd think Monday at work would be a breath of fresh air. Well... Not when you've got a million things to catch up on from Friday, the system you're working with stinks and you're listening to a million people talk about a million different things all day long. Headache and a half... on top of the migraine I already had. Who knew that your migraine could have it's own headache?! That's how bad it is!
So, I come home to a teething baby... Every mom goes through it, it comes as no surprise your baby is fussy and screaming and not eating or drinking and just wants MOMMY every second of the damn day. Well, moms... I get it happens but this is my first time going through it and I officially hate it! Especially when she's teething not one, but two molars and a front tooth all at once! Shoot me now!
Tonight has been a disaster....
Lennon wouldn't eat dinner, she threw her noodle bowl upside down all over the floor! I made dinner for myself, if you want to call a cheese roll up dinner, and guess who wanted a bite... Yup, The child who wouldn't eat her own dinner. So, she got a bite. Then, proceeded to spit it out on the floor without me seeing and stomping on it. Not only stomping on it, but smudging it into the carpet. Frustrated, I'm thinking to myself... Way to go, Mom... Next time you'll keep her in her highchair.
So we ate popcorn. Her favorite popcorn. The fluffy airy buttery kind that's not "real" popcorn! It's my favorite too! Well, she took the bowl and threw it at the TV.
No more popcorn for Lennon!
Then we tried ice cubes, frozen teething rings, and a warm sippy cup of milk to help calm her down... Nothing worked!
Except... Thomas the Train movie on Netflix. Well, you guessed it... That led to disaster too! She was calm and happy siting on my lap cuddling with me when we were watching it and all of a sudden we see, ERROR, COULD NOT LOAD. I could have literally screamed and thrown the remote at the damn TV!
That was it... She screamed and we went upstairs to start a bath. The ONLY happy part of our evening!
But wait... There's MORE!
Bathed, lotioned and jammied, I finally have a moment of silence as my happy baby brushes her hair so I grab the oragel and start rubbing it on her gums. Apparently when you've got two molars coming in the last thing you want is someone rubbing on them... Yep, I sure did find that out the hard way! Sure enough, she clenched her teeth together right on my finger and did not let go! I still have teeth marks!

This night calls for a glass of wine and my blog. Hell, why not pour the whole bottle. I think I've deserved it after this night! So, the monitor is on, the L is fast asleep and not making a sound, and I am enjoying this grande glass of Merlot. MMM.
Silence, and WINE
Pure heaven!
Even if there are 100 toys scattered all over the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.
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