Well since I have been a SAHM I've definitely been learning the ins and outs of making it through the day. I've made a must have list of my favorites for all other SAHM's too!
First things first, (First things first, I'm the realest. Drop this and let the whole world feel it)
Number one: Pandora Radio. I am kind of obsessed with Iggy lately so that's my station and it's the bomb right now. Instead of turning on the TV right away I turn on Pandora. It gets my booty movin', and L dances too! We dance around the kitchen usually while making coffee and oatmeal. Who doesn't like to dance in pajamas while they make breakfast. Spoons are microphones and we are the best booty shakers around!
So for real... first things first, COFFEE. Breakfast. Vitamins. We usually spend our mornings in the darkness of the house, no lights on, no toys... just some music, some hot hazelnut flavored coffee, oatmeal & fruit for breakfast, then we take our vitamins and after dancing out butts off we'll cuddle watching episodes of Daniel Tiger on Netflix. Netflix is definitely number two on our list of must haves. Netflix = amazing and time consuming. Even though we don't watch much TV during the day, when we do it's Netflix & Daniel Tiger is so friendly and kind. Love him & his quirky songs (yes we dance to those too)!
Phone time is a must in the morning for me. Since I am alone with a two year old all day long it's imperative that I have adult chat time morning and night. My BIFF is morning chat time and night time is obvi my hubs. BIFF and I chat about anything & everything from our kids poop, our poop, our homes, decorating, latest fashions, lipsticks and the weather. Seriously, it's the best to sit here, drink coffee while L watches TV and chat with my best friend. It's much needed and nice to keep in touch when we are so far away.
Then there's those days where your kid or dog won't leave your side & when you set one of them down the other one whines and cries. Yep, that's my house when I have a cranky toddler (which is so rare) but nonetheless, we need help on those days. That's when you go get a script for Xanax. Kidding! That's when you don't shower... you suck it up, stay in your yoga pants and cuddle non-stop, all freakin' day. (Which is no different than any other day Monday-Friday... I live in yoga's!)
On those days I am so thankful for my collection of products. They're cheap buys for an easy fix! The days I don't have a second to shower or don't want to & need to feel like I'm not a greaseball, or... days I shower but don't feel like spending time blow-drying... there's products like these that come to the rescue. I am in love with Not Your Mother's Brand of products. They're friendly on your wallet, and hair! The dry shampoo rocks, the Beach Babe Salt Spray rocks for the days you really don't feel like blow-drying and of course hair spray & Chi Silk Infusion are staples in my every day life. I love them all and could NOT live without these products.

My playroom. It's amazing (when it's clean!) We spend so much time in here during the day playing, drawing, reading, etc. It's fun and let's L's imagination run wild. I am so happy that we have a place to have fun and not destroy the rest of the house.
Let me just say, the iPad is essential. Of course, it's technology and I know studies show... blah, blah, blah but, it's not like we use it all day every day. I blog in the mornings with my coffee and have my morning chats with my BIFF so that's usually when L is watching TV or playing on the iPad. The rest of the day we play, do laundry, or clean the house together. The mornings are nice and quiet around here when I let her sit and play on the iPad. Especially for the mornings where I am really tired still and the music didn't wake me up... it's a blessing to have some "alone" time! :)

& then there comes time for cuddles... my favorite thing in the entire world. Being in jam's at nap time usually doesn't happen often. We are usually out of jam's right away and ready to take on the day but then there's those days where you're both feeling SUPER DUPER lazy, especially days when she's sick so we stay in jam's ALL DAY LONG. Like this... But, even when she's in pajama's she's still got a tutu on! Such a girly girl!
Nap time comes around and it's ME time. Thank God. I really do wish that I could nap when she naps but by the time she's out it's time for me to hurry up & do dishes from lunch, clean up the dog toys, the playroom, the living room that's usually filled with coloring books and such, and then get dinner out and ready because hubs is always home on lunch around 4:30-5:00. It leaves me about 45 minutes of down time after all that's done... I sit here, blog, browse Pinterest for new tattoo ideas, DIY projects for the next day & food recipes that I will fail at making and resort to frozen nuggets and mac & cheese anyway. But at least it's ME time.
Have a good day SAHM's.
XO, K.
XO, K.
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