We are going to start learning the letters in Lennon's name.
Today we started with the letter L and every couple of weeks we will begin a new letter!
We drew the L on a piece of construction paper, colored it in and Lennon traced it. Next we created many other projects that began with the letter L and even ate Lucky Charms cereal for a snack!
L is for LION
You'll need:
Construction Paper
Glue Stick
After our Lion was done we made an L with playdoh and made everything we could think of that began with an L. Ladybug, Lollipop & Lovebugs. (yes, little heart shaped love bugs count!) :)
After that we (well, mommy) made homemade edible finger paints!
(Or paint with brush paints because I was not in the washing, bathing, clean everything mood)!
Homemade (Toddler Safe) Edible Finger Paint
You'll need:
2C Flour
2t. Salt
4.5C Water
Food Coloring
Containers for paints (I used a muffin tin!)
Combine water and salt in a medium sized sauce pan. Stir over medium heat.
Slowly add in flour and whisk until thick. Reduce heat when it begins to get thicker.
(ALMOST like mashed potatoes!)
Add mixture to your desired containers (baby food jars, tupperware, muffin tin, whatever!).
Add food coloring, stir well and it should be cooled off by the time you're done mixing all of the colors.
This recipe makes a TON of paint! Like.... A TON! I filled an entire muffin tin and still had about half of a sauce pan full. So, use a half of this recipe if you have 1-2 children. I could have supplied an entire classroom with the amount of paint I had. :)
All of these colors from a 4 pack of food coloring: Red, Yellow, Green, Blue.
Have fun mixing and getting creative! :)

I grabbed anything we could paint... computer paper and coloring book pages were a hit!
The consistency feels just like you think it would... like wet salty flour but you know what? Who cares! It's SAFE, EDIBLE and not nearly as messy and worrisome as regular paints and the best part?
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