
Friday, July 31, 2015

It's Friday - Enjoy the Little Things

As a mom I am sure you've felt like you're dropping the ball some days. For me lately, that's most days. I read a blog a while ago that a mom had written and she mentioned that it's hard to keep the ball rolling 24/7 with kids, a dog, a house, a working husband, etc. and the best advice she EVER received in response to her flustered statement was "so what, drop the damn ball"! It really made me think that somedays it's okay to drop the ball and let things go. Somedays it's okay to take a break... So, lately I have been trying my hardest to not be so consumed with the little things that cause anxiety and start paying more attention to my family. It's hard but I am doing my best... I am no longer overly concerned with the house getting cleaned up after every time we play, I have officially deleted Facebook, blogging, and all other consuming social media apps off of my phone so it's not tempting to log on and spend an hour reading about drama, local news, or world news about that stupid issues (cough, cough... damn lion), I turn the TV off by 9AM every day and we don't turn it back on until bedtime, I drink my coffee in peace and then work out every day with Lennon and after that we play, leave the house for swim time, go for a walk, eat lunch, play some more and then repeat all of the above.

Being happy is worth the sacrifices. When my best friend told me she deleted FB off of her phone I thought, how could I possibly do that? OMG, what if I miss something? Then I thought.. what's so important? What's so crucial to ME and MY FAMILY that I have to read about it right now and reply to your comments during our princess tea party? Nothing! That's what. Being happy means sacrificing having social media at my fingertips and responding to the dings of texts within seconds, it means playing outside at 9:00AM (with coffee in hand of course) instead of watching the latest news stories or talk shows that come on in the mornings. Being happy means playing princess dress up with my daughter instead of cleaning the dishes in the sink from breakfast - I mean, they really don't need to be done RIGHT AWAY. I realized that being happy means having my sanity, being calm, spending time with Lennon and not on my phone, endulging in the little things and watching her as she plays, and most of all being there. BEING PRESENT. It means the world to her, and it means the world to me!

I came across this post from Jolie Ankrom on IG (@brimpapery) and I just LOVE the print, so much that I may need it in my house, and it's perfect for this blog today.  I am so happy with the small changes in my life that make me feel like a better, more attentive, happy mom, a more loving wife, a better playmate, a princess that attends random tea parties instead of playing on my phone and even a pirate who hides from swamp monsters (aka Luke) all day long!

Order the print here (one for ME and one for YOU!) I could literally order EVERY print in her shop!!!  - Etsy

She's right, today is a gift... Cherish it & Enjoy the little things even if there's still dishes in the sink from breakfast, snack time, and the laundry hasn't been folded. At least we are happy, we've played and we are well rested. :) Cheers (with my water!) to the weekend, friends!

XO, K. 

Monday, July 20, 2015

Baby Bump | 5 Months


How far along: 20 Weeks
Due Date: December 4, 2015 (Happy early Anniversary, Mom & Dad!)

Baby Size: Small Cantaloupe / 6.5 in. / 10.6 oz. (approximately)
Weight Gain: Luckily, I am still under my pre-pregnancy weight. But, seriously look at that belly... I can't believe it with all of those burritos and JJ subs... hehe!
Gender: GIRL
Sleep: Sleep is getting better! I need a pregnancy pillow so so so bad but that will just have to wait at the price those things are! I have been making the long, restless and sleepless nights work with a small pillow between my knees but still lots of tossing and turning! Of course I still wake up once or twice a night to tinkle, then can't fall back asleep because hubby snores or Luke is on my pillow and wants to cuddle. I need my naps during the day that's for sure. 
I am feeling: I've been feeling better now that I am going to a chiropractor for my lower back pain. I am pain free for the first time in years so hopefully these adjustments are working and going to keep the pain away this pregnancy. I haven't had any sciatica pain since I have been getting adjustments so that's good and I am so thankful.
Cravings: My most favorite things in the world right now is JJ's #5 with jalepeƱo chips ON IT, slim-jims, and Qdoba burritos. Notice a trend? Spicy errrrrr-thing! 

Currently loving: I can finally feel flutters and kicks more than ever especially at nap time and late at night when I am laying on my side. Baby girl LOVES to keep me up at night with her strong soccer like kicks but that's okay - I am loving every minute of it! Dan got to feel her kick once and that was pretty awesome. I am also starting to work on her nursery... slowly but surely getting things together. Gold, Mint Green and Coral are on my color palette and I am so excited to see this room come together! 
Currently hating: I am still gagging at the smell and taste of BBQ sauce, still can't stand sweets at all which is such a bummer and I am really hating that on a hot summer day I can't enjoy a cold beer with my hubby. Hashtag preggoproblems! One more reason I want Fall to be here so I can just enjoy pumpkin latte's.
Anxious for: Baby girls nursery to be complete, to wash blankets, onesies and fill her closet with clothes, to get some things off of our registry to complete what we need before she arrives and to top it off I am extremely anxious for FALL. This extra body with me makes it extra hot!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Happy 3rd Birthday Lennon!

Three years ago on July 10th I was sitting in my apartment asking myself, are these the real contractions? As I stood up I realized that my water was breaking... slowly but surely. We packed our bags, and on the way to lunch we called our OB. We went to eat at The Junction, quickly ate lunch and headed to the hospital after for baby to be born! We waited a long, painful 10 hours filled with eating ice, having horrible contractions, and being impatient and scared. When the time finally came it was 4:19 AM on July 11th and our beautiful baby girl was born. We named her Lennon Danielle!

Since that long, challenging day my life has changed. Every mother can tell you that the day their child is born their lives change forever and I don't want to sound like a broken record so I won't elaborate too much but, it's true. I never realized that three years later I would still feel the same way I did the moment the nurses put that baby on my chest. I look at Lennon every day and smile at how beautiful she is. She's smart, loving, caring, funny, energetic and spunky. She's charismatic, she's a jokester, she's silly and goofy and everything a toddler should be! Every day that I spend with her I am so grateful that I am blessed enough to enjoy these moments and not have to work my day away.

Lennon turned 3 this past Saturday and it was an amazing birthday weekend for her! Saturday we enjoyed free slurpee day - yum - and a fun party filled with a life-size Sofia The First balloon, a bounce house, family and friends and lots of fun gifts. Lennon had such a great time playing with her cousins and friends!

We spent Sunday taking to church, she started her first day in the new 3 year old classroom... and she told all of her friends that she's 3 now! Then we took Lennon to her first ever movie at the theaters to see Minions and surprisingly, she did amazing. She enjoyed sitting in a "big girl chair" like mom and dad, having her own little popcorn and pop, and she laughed through the entire movie! It's little moments like those that make me smile. Especially since all the kids in the theater sat quietly, she didn't whine or want to leave and she enjoyed it so much. Of course before the movie Lennon was decked out in her Minion attire and made daddy match her! I didn't have any Minion attire to wear... bummer ;)

After the movie we enjoyed swimming, went out to dinner together as a family and cuddles before bed. We all slept like babies last night after such a long weekend and it was much needed. Now it's Monday and right after breakfast Lennon insisted on putting on her princess dress-up outfits and riding her scooter around the house. She's really enjoying all of her new gifts... Thank you so much to all of our friends and family who came to her party and Karen for donating the bounce house!

Happy 3rd Birthday Lennon!