
Friday, July 31, 2015

It's Friday - Enjoy the Little Things

As a mom I am sure you've felt like you're dropping the ball some days. For me lately, that's most days. I read a blog a while ago that a mom had written and she mentioned that it's hard to keep the ball rolling 24/7 with kids, a dog, a house, a working husband, etc. and the best advice she EVER received in response to her flustered statement was "so what, drop the damn ball"! It really made me think that somedays it's okay to drop the ball and let things go. Somedays it's okay to take a break... So, lately I have been trying my hardest to not be so consumed with the little things that cause anxiety and start paying more attention to my family. It's hard but I am doing my best... I am no longer overly concerned with the house getting cleaned up after every time we play, I have officially deleted Facebook, blogging, and all other consuming social media apps off of my phone so it's not tempting to log on and spend an hour reading about drama, local news, or world news about that stupid issues (cough, cough... damn lion), I turn the TV off by 9AM every day and we don't turn it back on until bedtime, I drink my coffee in peace and then work out every day with Lennon and after that we play, leave the house for swim time, go for a walk, eat lunch, play some more and then repeat all of the above.

Being happy is worth the sacrifices. When my best friend told me she deleted FB off of her phone I thought, how could I possibly do that? OMG, what if I miss something? Then I thought.. what's so important? What's so crucial to ME and MY FAMILY that I have to read about it right now and reply to your comments during our princess tea party? Nothing! That's what. Being happy means sacrificing having social media at my fingertips and responding to the dings of texts within seconds, it means playing outside at 9:00AM (with coffee in hand of course) instead of watching the latest news stories or talk shows that come on in the mornings. Being happy means playing princess dress up with my daughter instead of cleaning the dishes in the sink from breakfast - I mean, they really don't need to be done RIGHT AWAY. I realized that being happy means having my sanity, being calm, spending time with Lennon and not on my phone, endulging in the little things and watching her as she plays, and most of all being there. BEING PRESENT. It means the world to her, and it means the world to me!

I came across this post from Jolie Ankrom on IG (@brimpapery) and I just LOVE the print, so much that I may need it in my house, and it's perfect for this blog today.  I am so happy with the small changes in my life that make me feel like a better, more attentive, happy mom, a more loving wife, a better playmate, a princess that attends random tea parties instead of playing on my phone and even a pirate who hides from swamp monsters (aka Luke) all day long!

Order the print here (one for ME and one for YOU!) I could literally order EVERY print in her shop!!!  - Etsy

She's right, today is a gift... Cherish it & Enjoy the little things even if there's still dishes in the sink from breakfast, snack time, and the laundry hasn't been folded. At least we are happy, we've played and we are well rested. :) Cheers (with my water!) to the weekend, friends!

XO, K. 

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