Thursday, November 5, 2015

Baby Bump | 9 Months


How far along: 36 Weeks / 9 Months
Due Date: December 4, 2015 was our original due date. However, the doctor we saw at our maternal fetal medicine ultrasound showed us that baby is measuring ahead and we are now at November 30, 2015 for our due date based on baby measurements - which is likely more accurate anyway. I can't believe it's only weeks away! November sure did come up fast this year!
Baby Size: Approx. 18 inches / 5.25lb. / she's the size of a honeydew, sweet and delish!
Weight Gain: Since 2 weeks ago I have gained 1 lb. and since my pre-pregnancy weight I have gained 4 lbs. I can't complain! All of these morning pre-natal workouts are obviously paying off, thank goodness!
Gender: GIRL 
Sleep: Sleeping at night is so, awfully terrible, exhausting and not relaxing at all. Thank goodness for naps during the day with Lennon or I would be a zombie mombie! I go to bed at a decent time with Dan, we usually fall asleep after an hour or so of TV and then the fun begins. Not the kind of bedroom fun you're thinking, either! I am up every two hours, on the dot! Starting at 11 or 12... then it's 2:21 AM, 4 - something, 6 - something... then up for the day anytime between 7-7:30 when Dan's alarm goes off and Lennon tip toes into our room. It's so exhausting! Between the pee breaks, tossing and turning to get comfortable, throw a pillow under my back so I can sleep on my back, move to get a foot out of my ribcage, or to relieve numb hips and back pain... it's really never a good nights sleep for me and baby. Any amount of sleep I can get I am grateful for!  
I am feeling: I have been feeling very crampy lately; back pain, low pelvic pain, increased pressure and sharp pains every now and then with those pesky BH that always creep up when I don't drink enough water or take it easy enough. I have had bruised ribs this past week... a lot of little jabs to the lower sternum aren't comfortable and I literally pushed her foot out of my right side ribs the other day thinking it would either break my rib or her foot. It was so painful and now it hurts to breathe. There's a lot more going on down there but that's TMI for this blog... and you don't care to know. But, we are getting closer. We will find out more on Monday at my 36 week appointment and ultrasound just how close we are but for now, I am praying to keep her cooking for the next week so we can hit the safe 37 week mark but then I am all for birthday party time... someone please bring a cake! I can't wait to meet her!
Cravings: I am slightly over-obsessed with Qdoba right now. A: they know me and Lennon by name in there. B: Their cookies are TO DIE FOR. C: I could eat it every day and never get sick of it. We are there AT LEAST once a week, my husband is about to kill me with the amount of money going out to Qdoba each month... I don't even want to calculate it! I just know that it's all I want and need right now and no one can take that away from me or baby. D: afterthought... I hope I still love it this much when I am not preggo! I'd hate to give it up.
Currently loving: I am loving my growing belly even though it's full of new stretch marks and of course they're really deep, really purple and Lennon thinks I have "boo-boo's" all over my belly. It just means that from birth on out I am so wearing mom-suits AKA one pieces. It's so amazing feeling all of the moves, the wiggles, hiccups and watching my belly do the wave before bedtime. I look forward to holding her, snuggling and kissing her cheeks and spending every day with her. It's crazy that it could be any time from NOW to 40-ish weeks that we can meet our little lady.
Currently hating: I am HATING all of these emotions lately. I cry over EVERY THING, I throw temper tantrums like a little kid and when Lennon is having an attitude day, watch out... momzilla is out. On top of that I have major preggo brain lately... Just this week I have forgotten to add water to my muffins while baking, forgot to make Luke breakfast which ended up in me feeding him nearly two hours late, and today to top it off I locked myself out of the house because I forgot my keys were on the counter, so I grabbed the ladder and climbed in the window. I am thinking that right now I am worse than the darn scarecrow with no brain!

I thought it would be fun to look back on all my bump pictures... it's crazy how much it's changed since 9 weeks! Grow baby, grow!

Now let's just hope there aren't too many more of these weekly bump photos and the next one you see is of baby girls arrival! Fingers crossed... because I am super excited to put a cute hat on her head, take pictures of her all swaddled up and of course announce her name to all of you! :) I CAN'T WAIT. Can we just skip past the labor part though? I am still slightly nervous for this all natural, no meds birth we have planned. YIKES.


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