Friday, August 24, 2012

Lennon is 1 month

Can you believe it?
My daughter is 1 month old.
Every parent out there tells you to cherish every moment because your children grow up so fast and before ya' know it you're at their high school graduation wishing they were just in your arms again.
I finally know that feeling.

Waking up this morning I realized that my daughter is growing so fast and every parent that gave me the advice is right! My daughter is now aware of whats going on, she is smiling at us and making noises, getting excited when we pick her up and talk to her, and she stares at her toys when she's in her pack-n-play. My daughter is growing up, and it seems like yesterday we brought her home from the hospital.
A new baby, swaddled up. Her head fit in the palm of my hand, and her toes were smaller than my finger nail. She slept more than a sloth and didn't do much of anything else.

Watching your baby grow is bitter sweet.
I miss the newborn days, and how small and sweet she was.
Although, I look forward to the days she is crawling and saying "mamma" & "daddy".
Being a mother is the best gift in the world.
Every day is a new challenge, a new funny face, a different sound.
Every day is a blessing.

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