Friday, August 9, 2013

A Day with Lennon

What a wonderful feeling it is to wake up at 9:00 AM on a Friday to a silent home, a clean home, [a disinfected home from Lennon's sickness this week], a sleeping baby, and the best part... no obligations to go to work, check my email or look for a missed call from one of those employees I used to have! AMEN, sister. I really could get comfortable with this lifestyle!

I invited my dad and his fiance' over for coffee this morning. So, what did I do? Created a little coffee bar! Looks fancy? Eh, not so much like Pinterest had it planned but close & i'm sure it tastes the same! I pulled out the coffee pot, the caramel syrup, cream and sugar and delicious dark roast and went to town in my own little townhome. It was delish! I've been drinking it all morning.... caffeine overload.

Since I am home with my cranky child with spots [literally, she has spots on her hands now], I have decided to turn up the Pandora, not take a shower, lounge in Dan's cozy ARMY shirt and sweats and paint! I found an old canvas that I painted a while ago but did nothing with and some primer in the cabinet. [An artist always has painting supplies lying around for a day like this!] So, I am painting over the old and beginning with the new! A little project for our home that will symbolize our new life as a married couple. A bit early, but what the heck. Why not? Who doesn't like listening to some jams and painting in their PJ's with caramel coffee? That's what I thought.

Later, I think Lennon and I will do some shopping. I went to the store yesterday and found the cutest fall jacket and jeans and I MUST have them. I need some new fall clothes. I cannot wait!
A little later than that I am going to do some hardcore research for online schools. [If you have ideas for me throw them out there]. My goal is to get my bachelor's degree in Business Management before Lennon starts school so I can get my business rocking and rolling in 4 or 5 years. This is seriously going to take a lot of planning and expensing, money saving and traveling but I am SO ready for it. I know in my heart and mind that I can do it and I will do it. Friends, don't jump to the question asking just yet. I can't spill the beans too soon. I have plans... you may just have to wait a few years to hear them or see them come to life. I don't want to jinx myself. Yes, I believe in superstitions. But I also believe in myself, and my hard work will pay off in the end.
So for now, I have 90's pop radio on in the kitchen, waiting for paint to dry, listening to the monitor for L to stir, and relax while I think...think... think. I LOVE days like this!
<3 XO

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