Monday, August 17, 2015

Baby Bump | 6 Months


How far along: 24 Weeks
Due Date: December 4, 2015

Baby Size: Ear of Corn - lol! / 12.5 in. (nearly doubled in one month!) / 1.25lb. (all approximate, obvi)

Weight Gain: Well from 16 weeks to now I have gained 4lbs. Not bad! 
Gender: GIRL
Sleep: Sleep has improved SO much, and I am sleeping great except those nights Dan decides to snore SO loud no one can sleep! I thought that I needed a pregnancy pillow for my hip pain and lower back pain but come to find out it was just making things worse. I haven't used a pillow in about a week and I am actually sleeping through the night, no more hip numbness in the night and no pain when I wake up. WOOT!
I am feeling: I am feeling GREAT! There are random spurts of nausea that creep up on me now and than but they go away quickly and thankfully there's no puking involved!
Cravings: My most favorite things in the world right now are... spicy foods, sriracha on absolutely everything and meat and cheese. I could eat all day long...

Currently loving: I am loving my pregnancy right now! I have hit the stage where I have more energy, I am sleeping better, my stomach is getting bigger daily but I am not having too many stretching pains and no new stretch marks... yet. YAY!
Currently hating: I still don't like sweets... or ice cream... or anything that normal pregnant women love. 
Anxious for: I am so anxious to buy baby stuff now that we are getting closer to the 3rd trimester. I can't say that I am anxious to not be pregnant anymore because I do love being pregnant but, I will say that I am anxious to near the end so I have a real reason to nest, get things ready, hang up decor in the baby room, buy diapers, wipes, etc. Also, still so anxious for Fall and pumpkin spice. I smelled a pumpkin spice candle the other day at the store and literally craved the smell all day. Starbucks pumpkin spiced latte' - I am waiting for you!

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