Friday, January 8, 2016

London | 1 Month

It's been 4 weeks since we were blessed with little London entering our world and time is flying by! It may be the sleepless nights, not enough coffee or the busy life being a mom of two but I seriously can't believe it. 

London is healthy, happy and really is a great baby. (Let's not jinx this!) I am proud to finally say that breastfeeding and I have a great relationship... The first two weeks were trial and error - learning how to nurse her, positions that were comfortable, London getting the hang of latching, etc. I had a lot of problems at first with blisters, clogged ducts and painful nursing and that's when I went to go see a lactation nurse and she saved my life... literally, I was ready to give up and I am thankful for her expertise along with the support of my mama friends, especially McKensey and Amy for helping me through the tough times! Unfortunately, we are dealing with the cluster feeding at night which is AWFUL - so exhausting and incredibly awful but we are making it through it day by day. I am still nervous to go on long outings with her because I am so nervous to breastfeed in public - I know, silly me but I am. I love nursing her and she HATES being covered so the day she needs to nurse in public this will be me... Its my right as a mother, it's her right as a child and it's great that there's so much support for breastfeeding mama's. I LOVE it and I can say, I AM SO PROUD of myself for doing this. 1 month down and my goal is at least 6 months EBF! 

So far she's been sleeping a total of 4-5 hour stretches at night, sometimes even 6 hours at a time! It's wonderful! I can say that she is finally getting into a good routine with waking up, nursing, morning nap, away/play time, afternoon nap (a loooooong one!) and then awake, cluster feed, drive mom crazy... bed! 

She is beginning to make noises more often, smile when you look at her, coo when she's awake and make us laugh with her funny faces when she farts and poops. (She's going to kill me for this when she's 18!) hehe!

What a wonderful 4 weeks! I will look back on this like I am doing with Lennon almost 4 years later and realize how fast time really flies. I am cherishing these moments every day and I am so blessed with an amazing husband who allows me to enjoy being a stay at home mom with both of our girls. 

Oh, and if you missed the post... Here's London's birth story - all details included! London Marie's Birth Story!

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