Saturday, May 11, 2013

Lennon is 10 months

Yep. She's 10 months old. May, 11th. 
... and come to think of it we missed her 9 month post!
Oops! Here is her 9 month post too.
Lennon is 9 Months!

Our little girl is growing up so fast... 

1. She has 1 bottom tooth and is teething on the top two at the same time. 
[Teething tablets are our new BFF!] The top tooth just came in this morning!!! 
2. She is pulling herself up on everything! Couches, chairs, mommy, daddy... You name it!
3. Her name FINALLY auto-corrects in my phone. That made my day!
4. She said "mamma" only once but hey, who's counting!?
5. She's standing up in her crib in the morning if you don't come get her in out world, she's ready to walk!
6. She's pointing at things that she wants.
7. She is mocking everything someone does. [Uncle Matt taught her how to bang her hands and cups and toys on the table when she wants something... So now it's all she does.].Thanks, Uncle Matt.
8. She plays with the dog, Lucky. They are best friends. 
9. She waves "Hi" and "Bye" to strangers at the mall and while we are taking a walk. Old folk love her!
10. She had a slurpee for the first time ever & loved it!
11. She likes to play in the grass!
12. She says "Baaa" while playing peek-a-boo! Or, peek-a-baaaa!
13. She dances to music. Josh Groban is on right now, she's actually singing and bouncing up and down. This is priceless.

In just two short months my little girl will be 1 and then it's all over from there. This morning she was in her room saying, "dada-yayayaaaa-aaaaaaa-bbbbbaaabbaaaa-da-aaaaaa"! It's the sweetest sound in the world!

Our 10 month photoshoot!

Oohhh... Camera?

Hmm... What's this?

... I'm done with pictures mom!

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