Sunday, July 29, 2012

Grape Juice & Tummy Bugs

So I was "pinterest-ing" and found an intriguing post about grape juice and fighting off those annoying little tummy bugs and the dreadful flu! Drink grape juice and you won't get sick. Who woulda thought!?

Just to be upfront: this little trick is a PREVENTATIVE. Once you actually have a stomach bug in your system, it will not work. You will probably be throwing up grape juice...and could ruin some carpet! ; )

I know this isn't what I typically post about. When you get to the bottom of this post, you'll see why.

One BIG rule is that it MUST be 100% grape juice... just buy Welch's to be sure. Lately, Welch's has been coming out with all sorts of new grape juices...avoid them if you can. No light or white, no "Essentials", no grape juice cocktail....just plain old 100%. I even avoid the ones with calcium. There are so many varieties...look very carefully when shopping for grape juice.

If you're just using it as a preventative when you've been exposed to the bug, try 3 glasses a day. If you want to add a bit of apple cider vinegar (no more than 1 tsp.) to it, it's one more measure to take. If you want to add it to your diet regularly (again, I'm not a doctor, this is just from my own experience), just a glass with breakfast is a good way to do it (I think 3 glasses of this every day all the time might hurt your stomach in other ways...LOL).

So next time flu season strikes, drink some grape juice! I wonder if red wine does the same trick? I'd much rather drink a glass of red wine a day than Welch's. Hmm... ;)

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