Monday, February 9, 2015

Valentine's Day WEEK!

What an awesome weekend but unfortunately it ended too soon, like always. Thankfully the weekends are family time so it's always nice to spend uninterupted quality time together because during the week it never happens with hubs busy work schedule and L's sleep schedule. Saturday morning at 11AM, where has the time gone? I was sitting down relaxing while hubs was at work for a few hours and Lennon was cuddling with me. Friday nights I am so exhausted that I usually fall asleep by 9:30PM with L and then wake up early Saturdays to clean, blog & shower before Dan gets home from work. It was great having the entire house cleaned and smelling fresh before our day really started!

Here's another house project I accomplished last week - stripes down the hallway! It wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be. I looked up a Pinterest blog about tackling DIY stripe walls and found an awesome tutorial to follow closely. I measured the wall which was 88" in height (thankfully it was an even number!) so my stripes were easy to calculate at 11" a piece. I used a level, a pencil and then the Blue painters tape and voila! The blue brand (whatever it is) came out with a new tape that has edge seal on it! It ROCKS. I didn't have any bleeding through the tape except for one spot on a corner. I am so happy with the clean, crisp lines. I think I am done with DIY projects at home for a long time. Running out of walls to paint anyway!

This picture is really dark thanks to the crap lighting at night in the house but it shows you the wall at least. 

Friday night was movie night. We rented Box Trolls - which was really not that great - and had popcorn with m&ms in it. It's always the best combo of salty and sweet! YUM!

L's favorite toy is her beloved pink monkey. This Monkey has been through it all, let me tell you. It came in a Happy Meal a long time ago and she developed such a strong love for such a small thing. She takes him everywhere with her, to bed, the bathroom, the store. Well, one day at the store somewhere between the late night shopping trip, the screaming, kicking and crying and being carried to the car we lost "Mr. Monkey". We were all devastated. Mostly because she wouldn't stop crying without him and because she was so heartbroken that he got lost. Well, genius parents over here... we searched Amazon, Ebay, etc to find this one of a kind Happy Meal toy. Literally prices online were upwards of $15.00, luckily Dan shopped around and found a new one for $5.00! Monkey came in the mail a few long - very long - days later. The look on her face was priceless. Something similar to this...

Since the grocery store experience we have only lost Monkey one other time. We lost him at home after nap time while we were playing. Lennon said he was in a really good hiding spot, and that he was. We tore apart the ENTIRE house... you name a place a toddler could stick a little one inch sized toy... we looked there! The freezer, the kitchen drawers, the trash, the toy room, the bedroom, under the bed, under the mattress, in the bathroom... even in the basement. We looked EVERYWHERE. That night we stayed up until about 10:30PM because L would NOT go to sleep without finding Monkey. Well, we woke up the next morning and I suddenly remember where she was playing the day before. Well, get this... the little Monkey was in the stupid little barbie car, shoved all the way to the bottom. Why I thought to look there I don't know... but I am sure as heck glad I did. Damn Monkey...

Lately you cannot get Lennon out of a tutu! She is always a ballerina and always singing and dancing. It really is the cutest thing ever. She likes to make up the lyrics to songs that we sing every day just to be funny. "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star... How I know my nameeeeeeeeee." and "ABCDEFG... Now sing with me and my dancing flowers.", and "I am a beautiful dancing flower, won't you sing with me, I love you so beary much and I like to dance like a froggie." It's the cutest. The fireplace is her stage and her tutu is her special dress costume. Oh, and you can't forget the shoes that she changes about 100 times a day... then when she runs out of her own shoes she gets mine. Such a girl!

Since being home I really enjoy my mornings. Even though I have never been much of a morning person I love waking up, making hot coffee and sitting on my computer to read, blog and write in Ls diary about the previous day. I am obsessed with my gourmet roast hazelnut coffee and of course my Beatles cup, it makes it feel extra special. :) 

Ever since L was born I have had a little journal that I use to write to her about the most important things that happen in her life, silly moments, pointless stories that I hope someday she will laugh at, or just plain ole' every day stuff. I love it. I only hope that one day she will look back and thank me for all the random writings to her and memories of our lives at this moment.

My favorite journals - Leuchtturm1917 (medium size). Go check them out - They're at Barnes & Noble, too!

Oh yeah, about that shoe changing...
When we run out of combinations of L's and Mama's we make mismatch combo's like this.

To kick off Valentine's Day week we pulled out this oldie. This onesie I got from H&M when she was about 6 months old. I ordered a 1.5-2.5yr. size and it fits now! YAY! I think I got this shirt for $3.00 so naturally I bought it - you know how sales take over you. :)

She looks so grown up!

We are making lots of Valentine's Day crafts this week starting with our very own tee shirts to wear on our family date day Saturday! I can't wait! Last week we made Valentine's Day cards with the princess cards L picked out. We are mailing out Valentine's to our family & Lennon's BFF that Lennon made just for YOU and the drawings on the envelopes were all her F.Y.I. She rocks at coloring. So that means watch the mailboxes, family! :)

XO, K.

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