Friday, March 11, 2016

London | 3 Months

3 months have gone by already... I am so thankful that we are out of the "4th trimester" some call it, and we are both much happier on a daily basis! London is changing so much everyday, I just love it. FINALLY we are out of the newborn phase that's pretty much consisted of eat, sleep, poop, repeat every two hours non-stop. Thankfully, we were blessed with a good baby. She's been sleeping anywhere from 7-10 hours a night, waking once to eat and falls back asleep next to me. 

smiling, giggling, trying to grab the butterfly on her play mat, bath time, talking back and forth with Lennon, when Lennon giggles at her she smiles, when Luke licks her (which is after every bath when coconut oil is applied!), nursing, being in her Tula, and most recently... being outside!

bottles, pacifiers - anything that's not mamma, being set down, laying down on your chest where she can't see anything, being ignored. She's not spoiled people... we're calling it Diva status! We're working on it but apparently she's catching onto this princess gig big sister has going on. 

She's very photogenic, as you can see. We recently took Easter photos, (family, you're getting one in the mail soon), London laughed and giggled the entire time I said "Londdyyyy..." and shook a toy in her face, haha! She loves to be out and about which makes running errands with two a little easier. We love wearing her in the Tula, and going outside when it's nice out and of course, loves being naked in her cute little diapers and bows. 

Happy 3 months, little London.

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