
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My Souvenirs of 2013

Happy New Years Eve! 

It's been a very exciting, adventurous and love-filled year. I can't believe that it's all over. Tonight we will go out with friends as husband and wife and celebrate the year we had, and cheers to the new year beginning. I can't wait to share many more NYE's with friends and family. 

Our little girl was finally 6 months old and that's when the chaos began in 2013. So began a fun-filled year with her meant learning new things, learning how to become a better mom and dad, and more patient parents. She was on the go... crawling, scooting, beginning to talk and eat more solids!

We officially started wedding planning. We booked our venue! Lennon learned how to say DADA... and literally never stopped talking since then! 

Was an amazing month for me... My horrible boss I hated so much resigned which was a blessing on our entire staff and my employees! I started taking on more responsibilities and finally loved my job (that only lasted a short while)! 

Between wedding planning, DIY projects and being a working mom I forgot what mattered most.... my daughter. I forgot how much I need you ... I thought to myself one night and forgot how much she needed me. So, I took a step back, spend a lot more time with my little one and let her help DIY when I needed to get things done! & speaking of DIY Wedding... remember this? How To: DIY Wedding

So many things all SUMMER are happening in May! My 1st Mothers Day was amazing! I spent the day with my little Lennon and fiance' Dan. I feel so blessed! The weather in May was beautiful and it was the perfect time for us to take advantage of our new baby stroller and the perfect back yard we have being right next to the soccer fields! We also took Lennon to the beach for the first time... SHE LOVED IT! Lennon's day at the beach... what a sight to see! Then, I finally died my hair back to blonde... for the first time since High School, and it surprisingly turned out great! I've been blonde ever since :)

I had an AWESOME BIRTHDAY spent at Cedar Point with my love riding rides, and winning an over sized, over priced, under played with Minion! We had a great time for Dan's first Father's Day and many family parties with all the birthdays and fun summer get togethers at the pool!

Filled with our favorite Holiday, Lennon's FIRST birthday EXTRAVAGANZA!, and my BIFF's bachelorette party... it was a great month!Her birthday party was a success and she loved every minute of it! Cake,toys, princesses, tutus and balloons galore! Her first year was amazing... I will never forget the day she was born but this flew by way too fast!

When I wrote this blog last year I was wishing for a new job in 2013. This month 2013, it happened.I felt like one Lucky Girl! I quit that horrid job and started at a new career that I love! My BIFF got married, her wedding was so beautiful and lovely! BIFF's Wedding

Great-Grandpa Baker passed away. I sat down one day and I thought about all of the beautiful memories surrounding my family. It was one horrible month... but our family came together and never let each other go as we watched my Great-Grandma hold Great-Grandpa's hand one last time. A Time to Weep and a Time to Laugh.

It was finally the beginning of Fall... which means lots of DIY projects, Fall candles, and pumpkin farms and my Bridal Shower. It was amazing! I love Fall! I love my family, my daughter, my fiance' (soon to be hubby) and everything in life! 

We were finally getting down to crunch time! ... 1 month before the big day we had so much to do. Decorations, planning, cleaning, dress fitting, etc. It was a BLAST! So busy, so much to do but it was so fun! Thanksgiving had a great meaning this year and we had so much to be THANKFUL for! 

I married the man of my dreams and we are beginning a wonderful life together! Enough said. <3

& CHEERS to 2014!


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

DIY Children's LATT Table

The perfect DIY project! It's budget friendly, fast and easy to put together and the kids will LOVE it! You have endless options for this table. I found my ideas by browsing Pinterest, put all of my ideas together and this is what I thought of for my daughters Christmas gift. 

             YOU WILL NEED

IKEA Children's Latt Table

Wood Stain
This is the one I had recommended to me by many other Pinterest DIY Divas, Blogs I follow... and of course the experts at Home Depot. I got the Classic Gray and I am so glad I did. It turned out great!

 (I found all of this at Home Depot. They are amazing when it comes to helping you find what you need or giving you ideas for your DIY projects)

Nylon brush

Small Foam Roller

Rustoleum Chalkboard Paint

Place on the floor (or something similar that will absorb the oil based stain)


1. Make sure you have all parts to the table. Lay them down on cardboard and take a dry rag to wipe off any excess dirt or dust. (Make sure everything is dry and in a well ventilated space before staining or painting).

2. I did the top of the table FIRST! Rustoleum Chalkboard Paint is the best to use with the foam roller (a brush leaves too many stroke marks and doesn't cover as smooth and even as a roller). Apply 2-3 coats using the instructions on the can of paint. For best results paint this first to allow time for the 2 or 3 coats you need. I applied 2 very thick coats.

3. Start staining! This was my first time staining on my own and I had a blast with it. Lightly dip the Nylon paint brush in the can of stain (Make sure the stain is mixed well and not shaken up, it will create bubbles. Get all clumps off the bottom of the can and let sit before using after mixing well so there are no uneven colors). Stain all the wood on each piece front and back and then wipe off extra with a soft rag or paper towel. There should be NO drips! I used paper towel and it worked well. You can apply as many coats as you would like and rub more in areas you would like lighter. That's the great thing about stain... You can make it look how you want it! Let it dry for 4-6 hours before applying second coat if you choose to do so. I only used one coat and it turned out perfect! 

4. Assemble! Let me tell ya... Dan and I ... I mean Santa...  Put this table together on Christmas Eve after having a few... too many... drinks with family and didn't have a problem. Follow the instructions on the Ikea sheet in the box. Took no longer than 30 minutes to assemble 2 chairs and 1 table! (No extra tools needed!)

                  The End! 


                    Lennon loved it! 

Have fun! If you have any questions email me and I would be happy to help! 

Love, K.

Monday, December 16, 2013

My Heart and Soul

Every night at bed time the routine is the same for little L and I. We crawl up the stairs with her paci, blankey, and bubba in hand, run into the bathroom,  she whines a little until I get her undressed, she splashes, plays and makes a mess, then we brush teeth, lotion up and get into comfies. Then, we cuddle. We cuddle and she snuggles into my chest, holds her blanket so tight and tries to fall asleep.

Tonight she was overly tired. She cuddled into me and just when I think she's asleep she pops her head up, touches my nose, giggles and waits for me to say what's next. Eyes... ears... nose... mouth... teeth... hair...  YOU NAME IT, she points to it and giggles each time I say "Good job baby!" I was so frustrated. I wanted her to go to sleep, she was so tired, so cranky and I was thinking... I still had the house to clean, then wine to drink and Facebook to stalk all while watching The Voice. I looked at Lennon and asked her if she was ready to go to sleep now. She looked at me, shook her head NO and laughed. She again, pointed to my nose, eyes, ears... and I played along. She smiled at me, kept saying "Mama, Noooo", "Mama, Eyeeee", "Mama, Eaaaaah"... I melted.

I looked at her sweet smile and I melted. I squeezed her, held her so tight and kissed her cheeks, to which she said "Niiiiiiigh, Mama", then put her head on my shoulder and kissed my cheek back. Little moments like this make me love being a mom, make the world go away and make me realize I take too much time thinking about the world around me and not enough time looking at what's in front of my face.


Sunday, December 15, 2013

Homemade Hibachi

Hibachi Steak, Fried Rice & Veggies
2 Steaks of your choice (I used NY Strip)
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 tablespoon butter
3 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tsp. fresh lemon juice
1 dash salt
1 dash pepper
1 large white onion (I used half)
1 large zucchini
1 large squash
2 cups sliced mushrooms
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 tablespoon butter
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 dash salt
1 dash pepper
4 cups cooked rice
2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon butter (use more if you like more butter,
original recipe calls for 4 but that's too much for us!)
4 tablespoons soy sauce
(The fun part!)
Important: Cook the plain white rice first so it has time to cool before you fry it!
Set aside.
*You will use the same skillet for all items being cooked. Do not wash the skillet!
Hibachi Steak
Cut steak into bite sized strips.
In a large skillet (or wok) warm the vegetable oil on medium heat.
(You will use medium heat the entire time for every item)
Add the steak, lemon juice, butter, soy sauce, salt & pepper and sauté for 6-8 minutes
or until desired temperature. I cooked it for about 5 minutes and it was the perfect medium rare steak!
When steak is desired temperature empty all steak and juices from pan into a large bowl or platter and keep warm until other items are cooked.
Hibachi Vegetables (USE SAME SKILLET)
(Wash all veggies with good organic cleaner before cutting and cooking!)
Cut zucchini, onion and squash into bite sized pieces.
Warm the vegetable oil in pan, add the veggies,
then add the butter, soy sauce, salt and pepper.
Cook until desired texture. I like mine a little crunchy on the outside!
After all veggies are cooked, set aside and keep warm.
Hibachi Fried Rice (USE SAME SKILLET)
Make sure rice is cooled before cooking in skillet.
Warm vegetable oil.
Add rice and butter.
When butter is melted add soy sauce.
I used extra soy sauce in this step because my hubby loves it!
Fry until golden brown.

When rice is complete place a serving of rice on each dinner plate,
top with desired amount of vegetables and steak and ENJOY!
This recipe can be done with chicken, shrimp or anything else your little heart tummy desires!
PS - I cheated and went to Genji to buy sides of Yum, Yum & Ginger...
only because I am way too busy to make them myself before hand.
But if you dare, you can find great recipes for them here:
This dinner was our first homemade meal as a married couple,
and we LOVED it!!! Hope you do as well.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Why Life is Better with Children

So, I came across this blog today while stalking the posts of friends on social media and I got to thinking about my life without children.

I was lazy. I was hungover 24/7. I did whatever I wanted, Whenever I wanted to do it. I didn't care about my jobs because I didn't have anyone to support so I called in, I slept in late, and I simply didn't show up. I wore low cut tops, skin tight jeans and 5 inch heels... All at the same time and I thought it was sexy! I died my hair, cut my hair, and entirely spent too much money on my hair. I ate fast food. I drove too fast, drove after drinking, drove while drinking, texted while I drove too fast, texted, drank, and then went over the speed limit, got pulled over and made up excuses. I had parties, went to parties, didn't care how I got home. I made people resent me, I made enemies, I made friends that I lost and I ruined relationships. 

Then, I had a child. 

I spend my days running around like crazy, never having time to be lazy. I can never do what I want to do when I want to do it, I do what WE want to do when it's convenient for Lennon's nap, eat & poop schedule. I wear mommy clothes, with tennis shoes and sometimes my socks don't match. I gave up changing my Coach purses to match my outfits to carry a diaper bag that's overflowing with sippy's and diapers. I drive like a MOM, I yell at crazy drivers, I judge the young teenagers that text and drive. I am very careful about who I let into our lives and who my friends are. 

My life is sleepless nights, Cheerios in my couch, runny noses, Thomas instead of Keeping up with the Kardashians, peeing with someone watching, never taking a hot bath alone, stepping on Legos and skipping the bottle of wine to buy a gallon of milk and I wouldn't trade it for anything. My life would be boring without her. She's my life. I was the person that didn't want kids to "ruin" my life but now that I have her I couldn't imagine life without her. :)

I am in love with being a mommy, a wife and I can't imagine it being any different!