Friday, April 24, 2015

Mommy's ME Time

I often feel guilty letting my daughter cry for me when it's bed time. She's alone with me all day, bedtime rolls around guess who she wants? Me! Daddy's home after a long day at work... He cuddles her, snuggles and loves her because he missed her so much and what's she do? Goes into Temper tantrum-I'm so tired-nothing can calm me down-Melt down mode. Well let's just say, it drives me crazy! After dealing with toddler all day long and being the let's hold it together, not scream at the child, or yourself, or pull your hair out mom, I just want a break. So bedtime rolls around and I'm out... Dads turn.

Me time... Ahh. If only I could sit in a hot tub with a glass of wine RIGHT NOW.

Instead I make some sleepy time tea which smells amazing right now and think, Should I blog, Facebook, IG, or read my new book? I haven't blogged in a while and I feel like I have so much to say but I'll keep it short and sweet. A nice little blog for the evening is all I needed to write. So now that I'm snuggled in bed, my tea is finally ready to drink and my book needs to be opened for the first time. I can't wait! 

Goodnight all! XO