Wednesday, October 12, 2016

London | 10 Months

London is 10 months old! Whewwwww, where has the time gone?

  • In addition to previous words "HI", "muhhhh", "dada", "yeah" she can say "bubba", "boo-boo" (of course that's in reference to our dog, Luke who I always call my boo-boo-bear, I'm weird. I know...) and "mama" instead of "muhhhh". YAY!
  • has 5 teeth (3 bottom and 2 top!)
  • is pulling herself up on EVERYTHING and takes a few steps across the furniture and most recently to my mom while she was holding her hands
  • takes a bath like a big girl now in the tub with Lennon and it's seriously the most adorable thing ever other than watching her mock Lennon while she brushes her teeth with a real tooth brush. 
  • sleeps over 12 hours a night... but that's nothing new. We are just that lucky and I really like to brag about it. 
  • Signing "more" and "milk" and puts her arms up in her highchair when I say "all done"... she's getting better and I love being able to communicate better with her.
  • spent the first night away from us over the weekend and she did GREAT! My mom even said she'd take her again... whaaaaaat. YAY! 

She loves the ball volcano toy thing (I really don't know the real names of any of these toys we have anymore, sooooo not a cool, hip mom that cares about brand name things anymore) and she stands up on it, rolls the balls down the sides and laughs when it makes noises. She loves dropping Lennon off at school and spending over a half an hour there playing with the teachers and giving Aunt Maci hugs and kisses. She loves sliding all over the kitchen floor, getting into the dog bowls and splashing in his water dish. She loves sneaking behind the end tables and couch in the living room to get to the cords and trying to pull all of the outlet covers off... (I know, we have our hands full with this little adventurous, mischievous soul.) She loves playing with the big lego's with sis and dumping all of the toys out of the basket. Oh, and loves her bff Leah who is only two days older than her and came to visit last week!

She doesn't like when you say "no-no" and take something away from her. 


...crazy how time flies!