Friday, July 20, 2012

Eat, Sleep, Poop, Repeat

The glorious life of a newborn... To have someone hold you, swaddle you, cuddle with you, feed, bathe, change, wipe and fall asleep with you every night... Sounds like the perfect life. The perfect life for everyone but mommy!

Lennon is now 1 week and 2 days old, and I finally have somewhat of a routine down for us. We wake up, change a dirty diaper, put on some cute clothes for the day, warm a bubba and relax. She eats for about 20 minutes, then we change another diaper, change an outfit because she more than likely exploded... and we lay down for nap time, which usually lasts 2 hours until she is hungry again and thats when I'm really lucky. Somewhere in that time span I have to pump. Yes, dreadful pumping. Every 3 hours... So you do the math. Lennon eats every 2 hours and I have to pump every 3. In the middle of all that "free time" I have to change her, burp her and get her I relax to sleep. It's never ending!

Other moms tell stories about their pregnancy, their delivery and the horror stories of it all. No one ever tells you about your life after baby is here! It's challenging and rewarding at the same time!

I have a very young family. I have a mom hasn't even hit the big 4-0 yet, and has two young children. My youngest siblings are 5 and 5 months! I have to say I have learned a lot from my mom... watching and helping her with my siblings. I have changed diapers and taken care of babies my whole life... So I never really doubted my capabilities of being a mom myself. That is, until I had a baby.

Don't get me wrong... Now I have been a mom a little over a week and it's going great. Doing the "mom duties" are a piece of cake. It's not rocket science. Change a diaper, feed baby a bubba, put the paci in when she cries. Easy right? Wrong. There is so much more to it. I wish I could make a schedule but it's not that simple. Baby gets hungry, feed her. Baby cries, hold her. Baby poops, change her - and watch out for the explosions! It's all about being aware of what your baby is doing and when. All I do is watch her, play with her, and wait for the next time she's hungry and needs a diaper change.

I feel like a robot.

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