Tuesday, August 14, 2012

15 Tips & Tricks for Moms

Readers Beware: This blog is coming from an OCD, neat freak, over-think, over-plan for EVERYTHING, type-A personality-type-gal who loves to share all... Every, single detail!! Enjoy :)

1. Diaper Bag Essentials

You have officially become a mom when you give up your beloved Coach purse for a diaper bag. Let's face it moms, there is no way you're carrying an overstuffed diaper bag, heavy car seat AND a handbag! There's just no room. So you settle for the cutest diaper bag you can find (without making it too girly so daddy can still get away with it) and make sure there are lots of pockets for storage - especially one to fit your wallet, keys, Chapstick and iPhone!! I have just about everything in my diaper bag; the obvious diapers, wipes, and package of backup wipes, butt cream, baby powder, baby lotion, extra paci's (incase one falls on the floor at Meijer!), A formula dispenser so you don't have to try fitting the can in the bag, and MOST IMPORTANTLY extra outfits!! My mother always told me to pack extra onesies, pants, hoodie, blanket, etc. for baby but I never thought of packing an extra shirt or two for myself! It will happen; you'll be out somewhere holding the baby and they will explode in their diaper, it will leak out and it just so happens to soak your shirt and everything in the way! So pack a shirt or two for yourself and the baby! It will come in handy!

2. Beware of the poop!

On the subject of explosive baby poo... Make sure you're prepared for the expected at the most inconvenient times! Disposable changing pads are a God send to this family! My mom bought me a value pack of them from Babies R Us and I couldn't live without them! I have some in the diaper bag for those ever so thoughtful restaurants and stores with no changing table that's sanitary, and I have some for her changing pad at home so we don't have to wash her cute polka-dot changing pad every, single time.

3. Swing Time

Babies like to be rocked and although I love holding my baby girl I would never get the house cleaned, or bottles washed, or probably even take a shower if it weren't for that swing! Lennon's swing is a lifesaver. She loves it. It fulfills it's purpose ever so greatly as a swing, but it also plays music, different sounds and vibrates! Sleeping baby, instantly! A swing is a must have.

4. Routine

Lennon is 4 weeks old now and we finally have a routine down for the most part. Wake up, change, feed, rock, put her in the swing and I have a good two-three hours to get my things done or take a good nap! She wakes up, change and get ready for the day, feed, nap. Two-three hours later feed, play, nap until daddy gets home. He wakes her up, play, feed, get ready for bed and relax. Feed before bed and she sleeps most of the night, feed... Sleep... Repeat. Seems easy, right? Easy, yet exhausting! It's easy to get yourself in a routine but a little difficult to mold your babies routine into your schedule. Try your hardest and life will seem a little less hectic, and you just might have a full head of hair left!

5. Soothies & Stocking up from the hospital!

Who doesn't like FREE stuff? The hospital will have packs and packs of newborn diapers, wipes, lotion, soap, etc for your baby stocked under the little crib they bring in for the baby to sleep in. Hint: they let you take the extra stuff home with you! That being said, stock up on it. Shove extra diapers and wipes and lotions in your bag because they refill the baby supplies daily! Also, When your baby is in the hospital they will swaddle them in a nice, warm sleep sack. Make sure you take it home with you, they're amazing! (and 60$ retail value at Babies R Us) between my mom and I we now have 4 of them!!

Soothies! A soothie is a brand of paci that the hospital provides, and it smells like vanilla!! They are designed to replicate the breast and are made so the baby doesn't get confused between breast and paci. They give them to the babies when they're in the nursery to calm them down. They're not for the public, and they don't give them out when you ask but they will let you take the one they gave you home! So be smart about it, tell them it dropped on the floor or you lost it and get another! Cheating? Nah! I wish I would have, it's one of Lennons favorites and she doesn't much like the boring Avent ones. You can buy Soothie brand online, cheap! But don't smell like vanilla. Bummer!

6. Save moola'. Make your own wipes!

Baby wipes are over-priced and a waste of money. While you're on maternity leave try making your own wipes! Super easy!!!

1/2 Roll of Paper Towel (extra soft)
2 1/4 Cups Water
2 Tbs Baby Wash
1 Tbs Baby Oil

Use an old wipes container to mix it in, cut the paper towel down to desired size so you're not wasting any, and voila! Wipes for a fraction of the cost!!! Woo! They fit in a wipes warmer too, and if you can figure out a way to fold them so you can pull them out of the warmer without opening the lid every time then it's even more wonderful!

7. Have a glass, or two

Make sure you take mommy-dates. Whether it's with your best friend, your partner or a bottle of wine, take a moment to relax without baby or you just might go insane. Even if it is a 5 minute hot shower by yourself, quick trip to Meijer alone, or even a walk down the driveway to get the mail! Take time to yourself. Being a new mommy is a wonderful blessing, filled with joy, laughter, smiles and though it is a happy time mostly all the time, make sure you are reflecting on yourself and taking a step back every once in a while to make sure you are okay. Being a new mom is overwhelming at times and like I said, you have to keep your sanity... Face it, waking up two times a night and trying to be a mom all day on little to no sleep is rough and will get the best of you, and those hormones! So have a glass, or two and relax. Or like my dear friend Katie says, go shopping and have your boyfriend buy you a "push present", you did all the work, you deserve it! ;)

8. Down & Dirty

Ya know, the stuff no one wants to talk about. No one warns you about, and you certainly feed awkward asking about. You get the drift, I'm talking about thaaaat part of your body after you had to push a baby out! Sorry folks, it's not a pretty sight.

Now, the mommy essentials in the bathroom no one likes to discuss... When you're in the hospital stock up on those lovely mesh panties, pads, ointment and spray. It will come in handy and as much as you love those sexy little mesh panties, you'll REALLY love them once you're home. Don't worry about being cute! Who wants to ruin those VS panties anyway? It's going to hurt to walk let alone try to sit like a normal person. So take it easy, and sit on a pillow. A pillow under your tush is a lifesaver and will ease some pain. Also, those little icepacks that come in diaper bags for bottles are a huge must have! Put one under your tush and you're in heaven!! Another tip: if you're breastfeeding talk to a lactation nurse in the hospital. They are so kind and so helpful! Make sure you ask them for Lanolin cream, it's expensive and they'll give you some for free that will last a lifetime! Also ask for nursing pads, they'll give you a box to take home. If you need a pump, your insurance might cover it! Mine covered over 80%. Cool, huh?

9. Go slow

We live in a fast paced world. Babies move and grow at a very different pace, as do new parents. Give yourself permission to move on baby time. Don't rush things. Dinner at your moms can wait until 6:00, running to the store isn't a two person job and like I said before, maybe you can use it as your mommy-time.

10. Errands can wait

You will only be a new parent for a few months of your whole life. Think about how you can make the most of it. Cherish every moment with your newborn baby. Lennon is already a month old and I don't know where the days went. I took lots of pictures of those little chubby cheeks, button nose, toes and fingers but I miss it now.

11. Sleep whenever you can

Try to rest whenever baby is asleep and take a nap as soon as daddy gets home. Rest can sometimes feel like a waste of time when there is so much to do, but it's okay to put off the dishes until after dinner! Rest = Sanity.

12. Every cry has a meaning

Get to know your baby. I used to think I would never understand a babies cry... Now I read into it and listen. Know when to feed them, change them, or just simply give them a pack and put them in the wonderful swing to "cry it out". Sure the first time you just let your baby cry is hard but you can't get anything done while holding her.

13. ASK!

The biggest argument I have is "why won't you help me?" and he replies with, "You didn't ask for help!" Many people, myself included hate asking for help and think it should just be given. Ask for help when you need it, when you're overly exhausted and need a nap, when you need to run an errand or when you just want to eat, pee or take a shower!! Seems silly but there are many times I haven't eaten or showered until Dan gets home... You just can't sometimes!

14. Have Play Dates

One of the hardest things about being a new parent is believing you are the only one feeling overwhelmed and confused. It can be very supportive to spend time with other moms!! My dear friend had her baby boy just a couple of weeks before Lennon was born. It's so nice to be able to hangout with her, have nice long talks about the babies, how they are growing and fun stuff they are doing! It's also nice to get out and have a shopping buddy! Talking and relaxing over coffee or a glass of wine is definitely a cure for those overwhelming feelings. You're not alone, every mom out there does what you do, and maybe even more!

15. Feeling Vulnerable

Bringing a new baby into your life changes you forever. Your feelings deepen with joy and love. You might find yourself drowning in tears or spontaneously jumping with joy and energy at a moment’s notice. If you know that this emotional life is a natural part of being a new parent, you may be able to relax, tolerate and even enjoy these new feelings. Having someone there to talk to and confide in really helps. I don't know what I would do without Daniel. He is my shoulder to cry on, punching bag, and best friend! Take the time to love each other and love being a new parent. It really is a blessing.

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