Saturday, December 29, 2012

Everything has a Meaning

and I am NOT talking about anything from T.Swift!
I am talking about songs.
Today I was in the car driving to a family Christmas party in Reese and it was the first time I really listened to the radio, and really comprehended what I was hearing. I was not only listening to the song but I was over analyzing how that song fit into my life and I found myself like every teenage girl saying, "Oh my gawd - How does Justin Bieber know that I love him so much?" Relax, I wasn't really listening to J.Bieb, but I was listening to Paul McCartney radio, and then 90's hits radio on Pandora - how I love thee.
Imagine by John Lennon
It never fails, I hear this song and I cry. I do it to myself, really. Only because it's probably the most listened to song on Pandora radio right now on my iPhone. Imagine all the people, sharing all the world. It really made me think about life, love and sharing... caring and sounds cliché but, world peace. Loving everyone, saying hello to your neighbor, walking the old lady to her car at the grocery store, petting a strangers dog...
No Scrubs
Yeah - I listened to it. Rocked it in our mini van today as Lennon was laughing in the back seat. I can only imagine what she was thinking... "my mom is nuts and she is dancing like a fool in a mini van" Okay, well Lennon just be happy you're not old enough to be embarrassed by me yet! It WILL happen, I'm sure.
Sitting at dinner...
Tonight at our family Christmas party we talked about hidden meanings. Do you ever feel as if you see something EVERY.SINGLE.DAY, or hear a certain song ALL.THE.TIME? I do, and apparently people in my family do as well. For me, it's Beatles music. Most of the time it's old Beatles songs, which are pretty popular still but in the Mall, not so much. In Best Buy, nah. In Yankee Candle store, Really? Gas Stations, Walmart, etc. Who knew in 2012 The Beatles would STILL be playing everywhere you go? I notice it often and it's usually when I need it most. When I am having a bad day at work and I run to the mall on my lunch break, I hear it. When I am running to Walmart at 7:00 at night, I hear it. It's a constant reminder that Papa is watching over me and baby Lennon. Set aside from the joy and happiness I feel from a good ole Paul McCartney song it is truly a chilling, yet heartwarming feeling.
Songs can tell the story of your life no matter who you are. Whether you're a 13 year old girl following J.Bieb, or a 40 year old following Randy Travis love songs - a song has a meaning for you. A song can change your outlook on a bad situation, a song can warm your heart, send chills down your spine and even create those warm fuzzy feelings only your lover can share with you. Whatever it may be, turn on the radio and listen. It really does lift your spirits.

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