Monday, December 17, 2012

You May Say I'm a Dreamer

... But I'm not the only one.

I dreamt a beautiful life when I was a little girl. I dreamt of having a baby girl of my own, a big home, a loving husband and a happy family. I dreamt of things like fancy cars, lots of money, all the makeup I could imagine, clothes to fill a whole room, purses, puppies, vacations to islands and so much more! Materialistic things galore.

As I got older my dreams changed...
I dreamed of good health, a healthy and growing little baby on my ultra sound picture, and a loving man to come home to every day. July 11, 2012 I dreamt of holding my baby girl forever and never letting her go. I dreamt of that chubby little face growing older and wiser and even more beautiful than that morning when she first opened her eyes at me.

I woke up this past Friday morning still dreaming of the lavish extravagant things in life, my beautiful baby girl, my amazing fiancé, our family, and so much more. In the midst of my crazy morning at work I started day dreaming... All of a sudden I was making to-do lists, honey-do lists, grocery lists, Christmas gift lists, list of bills and so on. Until that moment... I opened up my email and I see the horrific news of the innocent lives taken by a monster of a human being.

In that moment I froze. I cried at the sight of the children running from the building, the look on the parents faces, as God only knows what was going through their mind, I could only imagine being in their shoes.

Too often we consume ourselves in our busy lives. We run out of the house in the morning only giving our loved ones a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. Rushing our children to put their coats on, tie their shoes and rush into school. Too often we forget the little things; the kisses, the notes in the lunch box, the hugs and the I love you's.

Slow down. Take your time. Help your child put their coat on, tie their shoes and squeeze them tight before they leave each morning. Tell them I love you, every single chance you get! Kiss them goodnight - even if they're already sleeping!

Take the time out of your every day life and dream. Dream of your children, your loved ones, and all that God has given us. Dream, and you will smile. Life is too short. Hug your loved ones, squeeze them tight and tell them you love them. You never know what tomorrow holds.

To the families and victims in Connecticut,
Rest in Heaven & God Bless

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