Saturday, February 2, 2013

Find Your Dreams

Have you ever sat back and really looked at your life? Imagine this... you're standing on a cliff with binoculars looking at your life from the beginning until now.

Are you happy with the path you've taken?

Are you looking forward to your hopes and dreams coming true and being fulfilled?

Or, are you stuck...
Stuck in a mud rut of hopelessness and fear? Stuck with little imagination to where you're finding yourself doubting your abilities... Changing your mind and giving up hope?

If you're stuck you need to get out of your rut and face reality. Change your dreams, change your outlook and make it happen.

It sounds like its easy right? It may not be as easy as it sounds. You may feel as if you wake up one day and everything has changed. You've waited so long to pursue your dreams and now you feel like its too late, right? You're too old, you're too busy or you've had kids and you don't want to stray your attention...

I feel that way. I quit going to school to work full time. I quit that job to take another, and that job to take another. None pertaining to the job I want in the future, none of them relating to my dreams and my future goals in life. I've had a baby, and don't feel as if it is fair. Its not fair to work (all.the.damn.time.) and then go to school full time to better yourself and get a better education. How do single moms or working moms do that anyway?!

Anyway, I've been in that rut. That nasty rut that sucks you in, covers up your dreams and makes you sink. I've sunk big time. I've been stuck since I quit college and started working at dead end, worthless jobs. Sure, the pay is great, it provides for my little family, puts good food on the table, groceries in the house, warmth in my home, clothes on my babies back and as a matter if fact; it's paying for my wedding too! But, does all that matter in the end? Can I stay at a dead end job forever and not get to where I want to go?
Probably not.

I need to refocus, regain my strength and commitment to my dreams. I need to stay focused once I gain strength and believe in myself. I am a hardworking woman, a full time working woman, and a full time mom of a baby girl. I CAN do this and I won't let anything bring me down!

How are your dreams coming along?... Need inspiration? Go out into your world and find some. It's everywhere!

Inspiration from a child...
Pep Talk from a Kid President

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