Thursday, March 21, 2013

Baby Footprints

Thanks to my dear friend Courtney I am able to put my crafting skills to the test!

I am making baby footprint & handprint plaques.

Here's what you need:
- an adorable baby with cute hands and feet. [this is a must]!
- 1/2 C Salt
- 1/2 C Flour
- 1/4 C Water
- An oven
- A lot of patience
[it will take 3 hours]

Here's what you do:
- Preheat the oven to 200 degrees
- Mix dough together to a play dough consistency
- Lay flat in a baking pan
- Take those tiny hands and feet and gently press them into the dough to make a print gentle enough that it doesn't go through to the bottom but hard enough to make a full print
- Clean their hands and feet with warm water and soap
- Place pan in the oven and wait! [3 hours]

3 hours later you have...

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