Tuesday, March 19, 2013

What a {tues} DAY

It is nearly impossible to tend to an 8 month old baby while you're trying to get something done, especially when it's during the work week. You cannot get anything done. It's just not going to happen.

Today was no different.

I picked Miss Lennon up from daycare today, met my wonderful fiancĂ© back at home for a quick dinner, smooch and then "see-ya", back to work he went. After he left I fed Lennon dinner, which ended up all over me, my outfit, the floor... you name it, it went. She has tried this new thing called let's-spit-everything-out and laugh every time mommy puts carrots in my mouth! Works great for her, she's happy. Mommy is frustrated, ready to pull her hair out and not in the mood to clean the whole half of the kitchen where it all landed. Can I scream now? Then I clean her up, change her diaper and put her in her pack and play. [One of her most favorite spots in the small world she lives in]. I started to be ever so crafty with my wedding decorations. I started painting a frame to put on the bar with our drink menu in it... I started to finish our glittered toasting flutes and painting some cute letters for the living room wall. Of course my favorite craft paint of choice is black. The worst possible color to be painting with when you have a baby around. Well, as I am in the middle of painting, gluing, glittering and being miss crafty pants Lennon falls back, smacks her cheeks on the side of the pack and play and of course... starts screaming. Of course, it's no ordinary scream. It's full blown, "I WANT MY MOMMY" scream! So, of course what is your first instinct as a mom? Wipe your hands on your pants and run! So, that's exactly what I did. I wiped my hands clean on my wonderful yoga pants that are my ultimate fave and ran to the rescue. In the process of running to my little one the paintbrush soaked with black paint falls off the table, on to the chair, then on the white linoleum floor. Greeeaat! Oh well. Baby girl is good! She just wanted the toy that was stuck in the middle of the crib sheet and the side of the crib. Goodness gracious, you would think the world was over! After I made that little one smile and happy with some new toys I went back to my crafts. By that time my frame was drying, half dry and half wet is never a good combination - half dry paint that's not evenly painted, dripping off the sides of the frame and glitter mixed up where it shouldn't be. WHAT A MESS! Seriously... I became so frustrated and left it on the table, washed my yoga pants, and grabbed Lennon to sit on the couch. If you know me, I give up easily when I am frustrated. So now we are playing, we are laughing and then I realize that she too has black paint on her face and in her hair. Oh, great! Add that to the list of things to do. So, we have washed up, cleaned the floor a little bit here and there, cleaned the clothes, and Lennon got a bubba. I am now sitting here on a conference call learning more about the amazing opportunities with Thirty-One... hmm? Anyway...

Needless to say...
What a Tuesday!
I am in my pajamas, the second pair tonight.
My hair has carrots and green beans in it,
my make up is half on, half off.
My wedding crafts are half-done and drying on the kitchen table.
The glitter I was using is all over the kitchen floor,
and that black paint... yep, it's kind of still on the floor, the chair, my pajama pants and my engagement ring. The only thing not ruined is my ring. Thank GOOD GOD for diamonds.

After five interviews, moving my entire desk to a new office... [yay!] trying to get a babysitter, getting a babysitter... cancelling that babysitter because my boss bailed on me for dinner after we scheduled it, and dealing with the crazy work place changes taking place... I am finally home, sitting on the couch, cuddling with my baby girl and listening to the women of Thirty-One and their amazing stories!

Time for a glass of wine?

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