Sunday, April 28, 2013

Challenge the Pest

Today was a challenge for me...

& throw PMS in the mix and you're just screwed.

Well, I've always been the woman to accept any challenge given to me. Especially now since I have been blessed to be a mother I face more challenges than ever before but this one is one I have never been faced with. A challenge with a pest. The human kind of pest. This challenge brings me to my end. The end of my patience, my strength and my hope.

My biggest hope and dream in life is to be successful in all that I do. When I am not successful it hurts, it kills me. Today I reached that point where I began to feel as if all my hard work wasn't paying off... Why do I have that one little pest of a thing in my way challenging me every day? A pest in the workplace causes tension. Drama. Stress upon the stress that's already there.

This pest gets worse every day. Pushing boundaries, pushing the rules to the breaking point, and worst of all pushing my damn buttons!

This pest is the challenge and it's truly getting to me. I've never let anyone get under my skin before and this is one sneaky son.of.a.bitch!

I cried the whole way home...
How do I handle stress? Not well.
Usually a glass of red wine and a blog or two... Confiding in my fiancé, but he doesn't care about work drama, or cuddling with my Lennon, who didn't fall asleep until 10:00 because she was so overly tired she cried herself to sleep?

It's everywhere. This pest needs to go.
I need to find a happy place...

I need a vacation.

Good news... This weekend was the last one I'm working for 1 more month. Wooooo!

Done. End rant.
Maybe Monday will be better.

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