Sunday, April 7, 2013

Everything Happens for a Reason

I got out of the car yesterday, heading into the bridal show at the Horizons Center and noticed there was a truck outside for a local radio station playing some oldies. As we were walking in a song by John Lennon came on the loud speaker.

I said to Dan, "see, it's like it's meant to be!" He laughed and said, "yeah, right!" [Did I mention before he STILL doesn't like the name of our daughter?! Mmmm].

Soon after leaving I hear a song come on the radio, a familiar voice in my head says, "turn it up!" It's Paul. "She loves you yeah, yeah, yeah..."

It rang in my ear for hours after we got home. I found myself playing on the floor with Lennon saying, "she loves you, yeah yeah yeah... mommy loves you, yeah yeah yeah!!" Silly, right? What can I say? I love my baby girl.

It reminded me of my Papa, always singing in my ear. Always playing the guitar and singing. I remember grabbing his microphones and dancing around in my Grandma's heels in the blue room just laughing and singing. Singing what, I don't recall but knowing my family, it was probably The Beatles.

It's everywhere I go. It's in the grocery store, the mall, the radio station. It's at the gift shop with their faces, phrases and song lyrics on everything. Its my Papas voice. It's in my mind. It's in my heart. And it's forever in my arms as I rock my sweet Lennon to bed I thank God for the dream I had. I thank Him for creating reasons like this for why things happen in life. The dream I had that night changed my life forever.

Lennon, Momma loves you.
Yeah, yeah, Yeah.


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