Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Well friends, I am feeling much better and today has been phenomenal! 

Today per my previous blog [Check out my Blog from earlier today] I made a recipe I found on Pinterest for a healthy spin on your daily dose of water! Everyone needs what?... 8, 9, maybe 10 glasses a day right? So, why not make it even better... Healthier, metabolism boosting, lemon & citrus minty goodness.  OH, and it's all natural sugar free. EVEN BETTER. I  came back in from my walk with Lennon this afternoon, grabbed a glass and poured this deliciousness and OHMYGOODNESS it was amazing. So refreshing. Get on board... K?

So, this morning Lennon slept in until 9:00 a.m. Just what the doctor ordered for momma. I was so sick yesterday I really needed the sleep. Thanks, Lennon! Momma appreciates it!
We had cereal this morning and Lennon tried real bananas for the very first time. I cut them up into tiny pieces and she literally could not get them in her mouth fast enough. Every time she would put one in her hands it would slip out because... they're slippery, duh. It was one of the cutest things my daughter has EVER done.

We cleaned the house... Well, I cleaned. Lennon destroyed behind me. Toys go in the basket - she grabs them out. Papers get organized on the end table - she grabs them off. Glass tables with chrome legs are cleaned and shiny - yep, you guessed it... she put her tiny hands and fingers all over them. I gave up after a while. I put the cleaning supplies away, talked to a dear friend on the phone and snuggled with my sweet little destroyer. She napped for over 2 hours this afternoon so I took the baby monitor to the garage and began cleaning, organizing, spray painting and tree trimming! 

We have many DIY crafts in the plans for the wedding and our garage is seriously FILLED with them. Tree branches, pinecones, spray paint all over the place... Yep. Slowly but surely it's coming together. So I finally cut down the large tree branches and got most of them cut down to size! YAY!

After Lennon woke up from her nap we ate lunch and took a long walk around the complex again. We walked 3.5 miles and got a nice little tan! :) The weather was so sunny and HOT. We took our frozen water bottles, sun hat, sunnies & sunblock along and went for a stroll! Working out & gettin' a tan? WIN - WIN! 

We got home from our walk and fed Lennon some carrots and real green beans! She loved them! Soon after Dan got home from work, we fired up the grill and got dinner ready. Grilled steaks, potatoes with garlic and asparagus with lemon pepper and oil. 
OHMYGOD. Is your mouth watering yet? 
Mine is and dammit, dinner isn't even done. Dan ran to the store for more lighter fluid. DARN charcoal grill! But, soon we will have an amazing dinner ready and go for another walk to end the night. 

So far today has been amazing. I am so happy that I am back to being healthy and my family is finally over this sickness that's been lingering for a week! On that note, I am going to enjoy cooking this dinner, watching Dan cook dinner, have a Lime-a-rita and play outside! 

Happy Wednesday friends! 


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