Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Looking in the Mirror

...I see myself losing,
I see myself being boring,
Looking boring. 
I see lack of energy,
No motivation,
& I see fat.
Pregnancy fat,
Non-baby, pre-baby...
Curvy, hippy [not hippie],
Ugly fat, too-big for skinny jeans
Or short shorts - FAT.
& It's not cute.
Curvy is cute.
FAT is not - not on me!

I've been covering up. 
Covering up my lack of motivation
with excuses of why I can't do it and why I won't do it! 
Lack of eating healthy,
just making excuses for going to t-bell and mc-d's because its convenient and cheap.
Lack of working out and caring,
No excuse - just busy, stressed and lazy.

I've been spending money on my hair,
My nails and my clothes [that I don't want to buy the bigger size in anyway] just to pass time and do something. I need a change! NOW!

Time to spend the extra money to make myself healthy, look good and feel great. As of today I am going to strive to be a better person inside and out. 

1. No more POP with everyDAMNmeal!
2. No more FASTFOOD - junk! 
3. No more being lazy. I'm going to walk around the track when it's not pouring - I'm going to workout when I can and I WON'T make excuses. 
4. I'm going to drink WATER at work so I'm not craving that Mt. Dew that my co-workers always bring in. 
5. I'm going to take the stairs everyday - even in my FIVEinchheels!
6. I'm going to walk around the building on my breaks and not sit at my desk and order JimmyJohns.
7. I'm going to do crunches and squats. They're fun when Lennon helps. She loves high-five'ing me when I sit up. :)
8. I'm going to save my money that I spend on my nails and buy a gym membership!
9. I'm going to find a gym buddy, and go in the mornings BEFORE work. Ugh - just thinking about it kills me. I'm not going to sleep in....I'm NOT going to sleep in.
10. I'm going to set a good example for my daughter. I'm going to show her how to be healthy and workout and live a good, junk-free, fat-free lifestyle! 

Okay, ready, set, GO ME! :):)

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