Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Curly Hair & Cuddles

Tonight Lennon & I got to spend some much needed mommy & daughter time together. Lennon sat in her high chair and had dinner while I began writing the million birthday invites to send out to family & friends. Well, an 11 month old baby doesn't stay entertained, even with food, for too long. I gave her some puffs, she threw them on the floor... Gave her milk, threw that on the floor. I sat there in frustration asking, can you please just be quiet so I can get these done??? The frustration was building as Lennon was getting more aggravated. She was tired, cranky, and craved my attention. I was exhausted, cranky and just wanted a little quiet time to get things done. 

I'm a mom-HELLO? When does anything get done when I want it to? Do I ever have quiet time? NO! 

I looked at Lennon and she was pointing at me saying, mamma! Then she put her arms up and kept repeating it until I caved. My heart melted when she looked at me, pointing at me saying mamma.

At that moment I put the pen down, left the food on the table, left the dishes in the sink and grabbed my baby girl. I made a bottle with the 1 clean one I had, grabbed her favorite blankie and headed for the couch. We cuddled, she guzzled 6 ounces of bubs and crashed. I felt so anxious to get up and finish my long never ending to do lost of; finish the invites, do the dishes, clean the kitchen, organize the bills, vacuum, sweep Lennons chicken dinner off the floor, etc! There was so much I could do that I went to roll Lennons sleepy head off my arm and onto the couch... Just as I did that she rolled into me, grabbed my shirt and sighed. 

I melted, and that was it. I forgot about my never ending to do list... And I laid there on the couch snuggled up with my baby girl with her curls in my face and the sweet smell of lavender baby lotion on her skin next to me. She looked so peaceful and so sweet I couldn't resist. We fell asleep together and when she woke up we cuddled even more! That is... Until Lennon got her energy back and started crawling all over me. :)

Never take for granted the little things in life. There's always going to be a to-do list... But these little moments are memories that I can't let slip away. After all, my curly headed baby girl is going to be 1 soon! 


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