Saturday, July 20, 2013

Little Moments

It's the little things in life that make me fall more & more in love... 

I remember the days of walking side by side with my mom when I was a little girl. I can remember looking up at her and her smiling back to me. I remember the times she would wake me up in the morning smelling like coffee and Ralph Lauren perfume. The times that she would kiss me and hug me a million times before she could say bye.

It's little moments like those I hope Lennon remembers of me when she's older. I cherish those memories, and they will last forever. 

Tonight in the grocery store I was so busy shopping and trying to get it done quickly. I looked down in the cart and caught a glimpse of Lennon staring at me smiling. She giggled as I looked at her and she said 'mama'! It melted my heart. I stopped what I was doing and just looked at her while Dan pushed the cart and got groceries. It was so sweet I couldn't look away.

Tonight after we got home we were in the kitchen making dinner and Lennon was clinging to my legs. She followed me everywhere I went and had to be hugging my leg. It was cute, then annoying, then frustrating because I couldn't get a darn thing done. Finally, I pulled her off my leg and attempted to clean up the kitchen and make dinner. She cried... And cried... And cried saying mama. Finally, Dan told me to go play with Lennon and he was going to finish dinner. After a long day at work, she just missed me and all she wanted was me to hold her! 

Too often I am running around crazy and forget the little moments that make the best memories. I picked Lennon up and we cuddled on the couch and played with her toys and laughed and giggled and cuddled some more. She was so happy! 

I am now rocking her to sleep thinking of all the little moments I probably miss by not being by her side all the time. Not paying attention to her when she's saying mama or not picking her up when she's tugging on my legs. Those moments only last a few seconds but the memories from them last a lifetime. So next time Lennons tugging at me, pulling my hair out, yelling because she's excited or saying mama 100x over and over again... I will stop what I'm doing and smile at her   I will make a memory for the both of us to cherish for the rest of our lives. 

Starting now.

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