Friday, August 23, 2013

Everyone Has a Story

This week has been life changing. Many things pop into my mind tonight as I am reflecting on my week long corporate training, the meetings, lunches with the VP and CEO, laughing, crying yet all inspiring. This week I have learned...

1. To listen. When no one else will, when you're too busy to sit down, when you're multi-tasking. LISTEN to people, it will change your life and theirs. 
2. To motivate and encourage.  People come to you for help. Listen to them so you can motivate and encourage them to change their lives for the better not only to help them succeed but to help their families to succeed. 
3. To just shut up. You really don't have to do all of the talking to get someone to open up to you. Sometimes all it takes it to show you care by listening!
4. My JOB rocks. I listened to my CEO and my VP talk about their life and stories and experiences in the business and personal. They are real people helping real people change their lives! Many times the new people I would meet at corporate said, "Welcome to the family, you're going to love it here!" Everyone has a smile on their face, they ask about our kids and your family, they care to know you and your story. It's an amazing feeling to LOVE my job again. 
5. I can make a difference. Monday morning when I walk into work it's all on me to make a difference in someone's life. 
6. They appreciate you! Today we had a corporate wide training meeting. They handed out awards and trophies to the top performers and employees that stood out. They went above & beyond to recognize us and it felt great knowing I am joining a team who's hard work is appreciated! 
7. Do your job and more! I never worked more than needed before because I HATED my job. I didn't take work home with me because I didn't need to suck up to my boss, they already hated me. I didn't get recognition for my work so why keep going above and beyond, right? This company values those employees who go above and beyond. We can help people help themselves and that's rewarding! 
8. You have to fight for it to win it!! If you work hard, you play hard. 
9. Don't judge a book by its cover. Never go into a situation expecting anything. 
10. Everyone has a story to tell... I learned this week that you may be sitting next to someone who just lost their home, their son, they don't have any money, no car, no house, no food. I learned that some people we work with haven't eaten in weeks, they live home to home, they don't even know where to run. Everyone has a story to tell and it's my job to figure it out so I can listen, motivate, encourage and believe in them! Not everyone has had someone in their life who believes in them so it's my job to do it! 

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