Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Overwhelmed is an Understatement

Today has only begun and I am so overwhelmed! Luckily, Dan and I both had today off so we can relax and spend some time together!

This morning we took L to the pediatric surgeon for a consultation. 

Back up about 10mo... Lennon has a cyst type lump on her bottom left heel. We noticed it when she was 3 months old. Her pediatrician took a look at it, mentioned it really wasn't a huge concern and shaved it off. (Never sent it in for testing. Which is really frustrating!) It came right back. I, being the overly curious mommy, messed with it and pushed whatever it is that's inside of the lump out... This didn't help, it just got bigger. Damn. So here we are...

Now, it (this lump thing) bothers her when the doc messes with it, or when we push on it. Doesn't bother her when she walks though, so that's a good thing! Nonetheless it's bothersome to her, its gotten bigger since it was shaved off so we need to figure out what it is. Could be a wort, could be a cyst... But we can't find out until its removed and tested.

Unfortunately, this means outpatient surgery. (This is the part where I cry and I am totally anxious and overwhelmed about this!) 

So surgery is scheduled for next week.. The week I am supposed to be in training in Detroit for my new job that I haven't even started yet. I am praying to God today for a few things. 1. That my new employers will be understanding and okay with me taking a day off next week 2. That Lennon's surgery goes smoothly, her anesthesiologist is good, and she wakes up. 

On a side note there are a few good things about today
2. I am totally taking a break and going to get my nails done!

3. If you ask what's wrong I might explode. One of those 2,857 things I'm sure. But, after some me time, beer with my gf and her bf later, or some good ole' us time... I might be okay! 

4. Or... I just forget about it, have a beer and save it for a later day. Yup, that sounds about right. 

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