Friday, September 20, 2013

What is LOVE

Love is one of those things... an indescribable feeling of overwhelming emotion, a warmth in your heart, a passion in your soul.

Love is the feeling of holding my daughter, squeezing her so tightly as her cheek is pressed against my face and she's snuggled up on my chest dreaming. Love is the warmth of my fiancĂ©es hand holding mine even when we are just hanging out on the couch late at night blogging or browsing the internet like tonight. Love is knowing you have everything you need right here at home and in your heart. 

I visit my family and I cuddle with my brother, I hold my baby sister, I laugh at Lennon & Maci while they play and my mom and I crack up at the noises they make and the fun dance moves they have. 

My dad and I talk about money and life lessons, while our babies play quietly in the other room. My family is complete. My world is complete around me and I am content and I am happy. 

That is LOVE.

I held my daughter while she fell asleep tonight and while she was cuddled up on my chest I kissed her cheeks so many times I lost count. I whispered so many I love you's in her ear and snuggled her so tight. Love is holding your child near your heart and hearing their small breath's and feeling their heartbeat on your chest. Love is knowing you created that bundle of joy, bundle of happiness and knowing all of your world is in her. Love is feeling her hand grab mine when I lay her down to sleep. Love is rocking her so softly, watching her sweet face snuggle into me. Love is looking into her eyes when she smiles and gives kisses. Love is knowing she's all mine and what created her was LOVE! 

Love is knowing you're a mommy. You're a parent to a child who will need you, love you, learn from you, teach you, guide you even when you're guiding them. Love is being that rock for them, being their soldier, their best friend and their shoulder to cry on. Love is knowing when to try harder, give up and take a step back. Love is knowing you're everything to them and they are everything to you.

Love is being a great partner, a soulmate, companion, best friend and loyal lover. Love is being the glass of wine at the end of a long day and a movie on TV with cuddles on the couch. Love is being the breath of fresh air when being a mommy is too tough. Love is being a rock in your relationship and knowing when to say, I'm sorry

Love is there.

In all colors, shapes and forms. In all depths and heights of the world. In every corner of every part of your day, love is there. 

Sometimes we take it for granted, look the other way and sometimes we just ignore it. But if you really, truly look into love you will find an overwhelming feeling, the feeling of passion and the feeling of warmth in your heart. 

I love my man, I love our daugter and I love my family... More than anything in this world. 

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