Friday, October 11, 2013

Oh, Happy Days

The past two days have been GREAT.
GREAT HAIR DAYS, GREAT mood, GREAT family time, GREAT smelling fall candles...
1. It was beautiful outside today!
2. I got out of my meeting and made it home in time to spend time with my baby girl tonight.
3. I got to cuddle with Lennon this morning for an hour.  Even if that was because she was screaming her little curls off this morning at 6:00 I was okay with it because I missed her so much this week.
4. I had a good hair yesterday and today! You all suck when you say it looks like bed head. That's the new style, and it takes two minutes! Wet hair, hair spray, wax, teasing comb, done... (and not in that order).
(This list is not going in am-pm order is it?)
5. I stopped at Mc'ds yesterday and got a pumpkin spice latte and had a buy one get one free coupon so I was kind and got one for my fav. FA co-worker! 
6. Lennon was SODAMNCUTE when I got to Nana and Papas to pick her up yesterday. New outfit? YEP. She's so spoiled and we love it. She's so happy.
Look at that cute thing!!
7. I enrolled a student for our new program! Woohoo! AND... at our corporate meeting today I got my FIRST (of many to come) AWARD! GO ME! I am seriously SO, SO, SO proud of myself.
8. I got to see my besties last night and snuggle with this handsome 3 day old baby boy, Corbin! I seriously love him to pieces already, and now I have baby fever. AGH.
9. Lennon was so good and played with Mason. I think she learned how to build an engine too, hah! Turning into a tom-boy!!
10. Our invites got mailed and sent and delivererd. Not happy with the USPS right now for the ripped envelopes and messed up stamping but they will not ruin my good mood!
Yes, that's seriously how they got delivered. FML.
Sorry everyone!
12. I splurged and bought myself some new shoes!
My very first pair of chucks. AGH.
and they're charcoal grey... in LOVE.
13. ...and new boots! I have wanted these forever and I am SO obsessed.
Thank you Macy's coupons!
So... that's been my past two days. I am exhausted, miserably sick feeling, dealing with a teething baby who will wake up literally every hour tonight I am sure. I can't wait for Dan to get home with some soup and subs and then we will relax, snuggle with the candles lit and watch a movie! Then, we both have the weekend off. Pumpkin farm, and lots of family time is in store for us!
Goodnight all,

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