Friday, January 17, 2014

A Much Needed Mess

After a long busy week of working, traveling, and cleaning I am finally home and able to relax knowing that tomorrow is the weekend. But of course, the busy doesn't stop when I walk through the door... I have clothes to put away, toys to play with - and then put away, snacks to get out for Lennon - and then clean up the crumbs, wash the counters, windex the tables... the list never ends. What do I do? Add to the mess.

In the middle of washing the floors, cleaning the toilets and washing the counters I put everything down, grabbed Lennon's hand that was tugging at my pants, and walked with her out to the living room. We sat down, read a book, built a tower with blocks, gave Pooh some kisses and hugs, went to the chalkboard table and wrote the alphabet and played. Simple enough, we played, we laughed and we made a mess.

The mess didn't anger me. Lennon's smile reminded me that it didn't need to be cleaned up right away and most of all, it didn't matter. Lennon loved it! She loved taking every.single.toy out of the basket and throwing it on the floor. She loved watching me grab them and throw them, only for her to chase them and give it right back to me. We had a blast together.

We went upstairs and before bath time we painted our nails. I painted her piggies pink and purple and she laughed, giggled and said, "OOOOOO"!

 It was so exciting to see her so happy. Of course, she grabbed the paint brush and smeared it all over her leg, her shirt and my hand, why wouldn't she make another mess? I grabbed her hand, looked at her in the eyes and said "Lennon, NO". She immediately dropped the paint brush, smacked the bottle out of my hand and it spilled everywhere. Just as I looked at her again with frustration she looked back at me, put her hand in the mess and giggled as she smeared it everywhere! (Luckily, it was Piggy Paint so it didn't stain anything). I looked at Lennon and she was still smiling, giggling and playing in the spilled nail polish. I immediately thought to myself... I am SO mad but her face is so cute. I can't be mad. This mess is making her happy, and I am loving her more every minute she smiles.

I put her in the bath, cleaned up the mess and then we played with her boats in the tub! ALL of her fingernail polish came off in the tub... probably because it's not REAL nail polish, but hey, we tried.

ALL of that hard work, and mess for nothing memories, smiles, giggles and fun! Seeing her smile, laugh and play with the messes make me happy. Sure, I want to clean it up right away but sometimes I just have to take a step back, look at her so happy and think... what's the point? It was a much needed mess that resulted in a happy mama and a cheerful Lennon.

Good moms have sticky floors, dirty kitchens, laundry piles, and HAPPY kids!

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