Thursday, January 9, 2014

Love, Laugh and Pray

It's the smallest things in life that mean the most.
I never realized how much that saying meant until I had my daughter, got married and began loving my life more than I ever have before. Family, love and laughter are the blessings I thank God for every single day. 

Some days are hard... Really hard... But knowing that my life has been an up and down, spinning in circles, going too fast upside down type of roller coaster for years makes me believe that I can handle anything. I am a non-stop working mom, wife, dreamer and believer and like most, I let the little things pass me by by being consumed in daily life, texts, emails, work, TV shows, you know... the usual. 

I can handle the bad moods my daughter has, the cranky fits and throwing toys, hitting, throwing all her Cheerios on the floor type of temper tantrums. I can handle the messy floors, toilet paper roll completely undone on the bathroom floor, DVDs scattered, crayons broken and smushed in carpet and in between baby teeth. Because, I am a mom, and that's what I signed up for. I would rather play with all the toys at once than miss a funny moment while I'm putting toys away. I would rather tickle Lennon, throw her around on the bed, (where all my clean clothes are neatly folded), than miss a giggle or that cute smirk she makes when she is mischievous. I will make memories before I clean, I promise. 

I can handle the messy sink, laundry piled up, smelly socks and wet towels not hung up, toilet seat not put down and toothpaste left open because... I am a wife that would rather cuddle than clean, kiss than fight over who does the damn dishes and rather be lazy (let's be honest here...) than pick up dirty socks and boxers! (I'll leave that for the hubs)! 

I am so blessed to have a warm home (apartment), dishes in my sink regardless if they're clean, messy floors with toys everywhere and a great family to make it all messy! I am so happy that God has blessed me with a beautiful family. 

Love, Laugh & Pray
That's all you need! 

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