Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Very Happy Fathers Day!

Fathers Day; a day that a man has earned because he is or was a true blessing in one's life. A day a man should feel privileged to celebrate with another person because of what they have accomplished, taught, or inspired someone to be. Happy Fathers Day to all the men who are privileged with being called Dad and all of the women who are a mother and a father to your children or someone elses'! You truly earn this day because of what you do, what you teach, who you inspire and not only create but be a role model for. Being a dad is a special gift from God but being a FATHER is truly a blessing, hard work and involves loyalty, trust and compassion. 

So on this Father's Day I say a HUGE thank you to all of the FATHERs in my life; first of all my MOM who has been a father and a mother to me my entire life - she has been my rock, my inspiration and my guide and done everything a Father should do and MORE! My STEPDAD who has been a rock in my life as well, he has been my Dad for a very long time and truly a father to me. He taught me how to achieve my goals in life, how to shoot a gun and protect myself, how to love someone unconditionally like he loves my mother and how to dream with no string attached... reach for the sky and that there are no limits!, my Papa who raised my mother into a strong, loving and caring woman with amazing morals and self respect which she passed onto me. I will forever be grateful for the man he was and still carries on to be through his children. My UNCLES who taught me how to have fun and learn from my mistakes, how to say sorry to my mother after a fight with her and how to keep my head held high when someone broke my heart, my DAD because even though times were tough growing up and were not the best he admits his wrongs and still tries to be in our lives. He is becoming a great friend, a good Dad and being a great Grandfather to Lennon and trying to mend our relationship and for that I am grateful. Also, my FATHER-in-law who I thank each and every day for being a great role model for my husband and for someone who has been a great dad to my husband his entire life when he didn't have to be and a great Papa to Lennon, and of course my HUSBAND who inspires me each day to be an amazing mother and role model for our daughter and who has been the most amazing Dad I could have ever imagined for our child! He truly is amazing and I fall more in love with him every single day. Without these men in my life I don't know where I would be! 

Today was great! We woke up this morning and took Daddy to Barnes and Noble to get a book and then we grabbed lunch and went to the park. We had a blast! 

After the park we enjoyed time at home then went to my in-laws for a cookout where Miss Lennon got to enjoy the swing, sandbox, cake and even a ride on the tractor with Papa!

I know this must be a "Papa thing" to do with their grandchildren but this really had me missing my Papa tonight. I watched as my father-in-law (L's Papa) took L around the yard and she squealed with excitement! It reminded me of the stories my mom told me about me riding around the lawn with my Papa and I used to be so happy and it was my favorite thing to do with Papa! Now that my Papa is gone my only wish is for Lennon to have the same joy in life with her Papa as I did. I know he was watching down on us today and smiling along with L... as soon as L started riding along a Beatles song came on the radio outside. 

Now that's a Happy Father's Day! 


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