Saturday, August 30, 2014

Hello, Weekend

This morning I have been sipping coffee, snuggling with my bug and we are eating pancakes with lots of SYRUP, or as L says "SHURUP and SUGA SUGA". 

I've been blogging, pinning Kitchen, Living Room, Bathroom, Fireplace etc. ideas on Pinterest in hopes that we will be buying a home soon! 

I've been crazy lately. 
My blood pressure and anxiety have been super high, my face is breaking out in stress zits and my emotions have been unbearable. Some call it PMS. Some call it anxiety. Many call it crazy. I call it "bitch from hell syndrome". I have a surgery next week I am dreading, yet slightly excited for the results. I have been house hunting with my husband and friend/realtor from work. We have exactly what we want in mind... and luckily found a couple houses that fit our criteria and more! Now it's a waiting game to get a showing time, really inspect it, make an offer... Needless to say, no one ever promised house hunting was easy & fun like you see on TV. What are those two brothers names again? I want to hire them. :) 

I have been preparing for surgery all week with paperwork, short term disability and FMLA and insurance companies... etc etc etc. I just want this to be over and work my way back to myself again after surgery.

My goal is to get better, wait for closing dates and inspections to be done and move in to a new home before the Holidays are here! 
Can someone please just hit the easy button in my life for me?


So, this weekend kicks off my 17 days off that I have from work and I'm telling you, I definitely need it. My boss is crazy, my goals are outrageous, and corporate has been breathing down our necks. So it's time to clean, organize, paint some canvas' and decorate... And spend time with my handsome hubby and beautiful daughter that I never see enough of.

Enjoy your Holiday weekend everyone!

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