Tuesday, November 18, 2014

DIY [No-Sew] Puppy Sweaters

The MOST adorable sweater EVER.

It's cold as crap outside and little Luke shivers while he's out so I needed to get him a sweater but as you know, they aren't cheap! I knew that I needed to make one... So, luckily my awesome Grandma gave me the idea to make a sweater for my pup out of an old sweater in our closet. (Thanks, Gram)!! I went to the ever so reliable Pinterest and found many blogs about it, so I picked my fav no-sew blog and grabbed my supplies!

I picked through my closet and hubs drawers for sweaters that we don't wear anymore. He's the lucky one and had the cutest out of the old sweaters we own (Imagine that). I have the most adorable and warm wool JCrew mustard yellow sweater that I would love to get one more season out of, but next year it will be a new sweater for Luke. I just can't part with it yet! Ha. I chose a sweater that is warm and cozy and literally made this thing in 5 minutes. No joke! (It would have taken like 2 minutes if Luke wouldn't have insisted on eating the sweater while I was cutting! 

You can do this too - Keep your fur-baby warm this winter!

You will need:
1. A puppy of course (hold the sleeve up to him/her to see what you need to cut for)
2. An old sweater (or new, whatev!)
3. Scissors (the sharper the better for cutting the fabric!)

Step 1
Cut the sleeves off! I cut the whole arm off so I had some wiggle room for the length at first. You can trim later.

Step 2
You're left with this. The end will be the part the puppies head goes into. Hold it up to your puppy and see where to make the hole for the front legs then cut small holes.

Step 3 
Try it on! I was so happy that this was my first try at a pup sweater and it fit him great!!!! :) I folded over the end to make the collar cuter. Then I had some trimming to do so when he wears it outside he can potty without getting it dirty.

4. So I trimmed it like so... and voila! A puppy sweater. SO EASY! 

Thanks Gram!!!!! :) 

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