Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Baby Bump | 3 Months

Well friends, we recently announced the most exciting news this year for us... 

We are expecting Baby Klepsch #2! 

We are so thrilled, beyond thrilled to be blessed with another pregnancy, a healthy pregnancy and we can't wait for Baby #2 to arrive! After a long end of the year last year we decided it wasn't the right time to try for Baby #2 but then after much debate, trying and failing I was convinced my ovaries hated us and my endometriosis was just too bad to conceive another baby. We had planned to see a fertility specialist and then BAM... Baby #2 was ready to make it's debut! I prayed a lot, cried a lot and prayed some more and here we are with a positive pregnancy test, a fast little beating heart and a growing little "booger".

How far along: 12 weeks

Due Date: December 4, 2015 (Happy early Anniversary, Mom & Dad!)
Baby Size: Lime / 2 inches! 
Gender: ? yet. But heart rate was 170 at 7 weeks. Hello, old wive tale telling us it's a GIRL. Just kidding... we won't find out for real until July... and then we are planning a super fun gender reveal party! 
Sleep: I swear I am never going to catch up on sleep. Between Lennon waking up at any hour of the night and crawling into bed with us, Luke laying in the middle of the bed or having puppy dreams that cause him to bark and whine, tossing and turning and then waking up at 2am to pee, then again at 4am to pee... I am going to lose my mind. Thank God for nap time or I would be a zombie.
I am feeling: This week I am feeling a little better than before, my morning sickness is going away in the mornings but in full swing at night time and I can't even drink my hot tea. I am sick of feeling sick! Hopefully within the next couple of weeks it goes away for good. Oh, and I am finally feeling pregnant on the outside... I finally have a belly!!! :)
Cravings: So far I have been craving anything and everything that's greasy, spicy, carb filled and not good for you. My top favorites have been pickles, rice with yum-yum sauce, subs, burgers, and any kind of mexican food except Taco Bell. Although, the past couple of days all I have been craving is sushi from Genji (with yum-yum sauce of course) and salads. Maybe we are finally on a healthy kick now.  
Currently loving: I am loving my leggings, loose t-shirts and tanks, sports bras and everything comfy. I am also loving white tea over ice with a lemon, cold water, pickles and lazy days with Lennon! I am also loving that Lennon is so gentle and careful with "baby booger". Yes, she has nicknamed her little sibling "booger" already! She rubs my belly, kisses it, rubs my back when I am sick and tells baby she loves "him". She insists it's a HE. Maybe it's a sign? :) She has made us all laugh numerous times when she asks how the baby got inside my belly. We tell her that God put it there so she replies with, "When I get big I want God to put a baby in my belly too". It made me cry, cringe and laugh, then cry some more!
Currently hating: Mornings, I am so not a morning person. I am hating the smell of cheese, fish that's not sushi, BBQ sauce, chicken and the smell of anything Dan makes to eat for a late night snack in bed.
Anxious for: I am so anxious to go to the doctor at the end of May, talk about the baby and ask about working out again. I can't wait to work out, stay fit this pregnancy and hopefully start feeling better once this nausea goes away. I am super anxious for July to come so we can find out what we're having and start talking about the nursery theme and names! EEEEK!

Here are some of our favorite moments telling our family... We spilled the beans to them right way. We were only 5 weeks along when we announced it to our parents and they were beyond thrilled. Then, the hard part... We made them wait until now to tell everyone too! :)

We surprised my family up north for Easter weekend with cookies that said 
"Baby #2 coming Dec. 2015"

We surprised Nani & Papa with a cookie and we waited to see Nani's reaction to Lennon's NEW shirt she was so proud to show off! Grampa Tuck was super excited to see the shirt and Lennon was eager to send a picture to Jenny at work that day! 

and... my Great Grandma was thrilled when I gave her the cookie that told her that I was pregnant again. She is elated to be a Great-Great Grandmother for the second time! 

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