Wednesday, August 19, 2015


When I became a stay at home mom I pictured myself being a super-mom. I wanted to be the mom that did it all, everyday... had her shit together, never left the house without makeup, never not took a shower, worked out, ate healthy, never dropped the ball, had a home cooked meal every night, had a clean house, organized play room, you name it... Then, I really got into the SAHM life. Yoga pants, messy hair, no makeup. Messy kids room and playroom, rarely do I make a home cooked meal that I don't f - up and end up ordering take out, I drop the ball... sometimes throw it out the window and I don't have my shit together every day but you know what? Neither does anyone else unless they have a maid. FOR REAL. I am a procrastinator, I live for junk food after L goes to bed, I play with my kid, I take breaks when I need to, I have a pile of laundry in my room hidden in my closet, and more in the basement... and when I finally get to washing it, it will take me a week to fold it and another week to put it away. I have a pile of unorganized paperwork on the counter and takeout leftovers in the fridge for emergency meals when I just don't feel like doing a darn thing. I watch too many kids movies, know every Disney song, I make Lennon learn while she plays, I am doing my best and that's okay with me. 

And on a daily basis... 

I make lists that never get done...

I clean the house just for it to get destroyed again in 5 minutes with Barbies, lego's and pillows on the floor to build a fort. 

I literally say all of these things about a million times... No joke. 

I take cuddle breaks during nap time so I don't lose my sanity by bedtime... Both little ones nap with me, (well, all 3! Except the baby doesn't nap - she kicks my uterus all day!) it's such a blessing and so wonderfully sweet & cozy!

I let the dog cuddle with baby girl! He gets startled and let's out a slight bark when she kicks by his face. It's too cute!  

Then we come home from a slurpee, milk & snacks run and I find the trash can tipped over in the kitchen, and all of the gross leftover oatmeal, grapes and wet pull ups strewn all over the floor. Luke was hiding in the corner when we walked in the back door, burying his face in the rug when he usually greets us at the door. I knew something was wrong. Seriously - how can a 6lb dog tip over a huge aluminum trash can that's full?! Little shithead! So, needless to say he spent some time outside, probably pooping his brains out or hopefully puking up whatever he ate. Praying he's okay but I am SO mad! 

And after, I ask Lennon to pick up her Barbies so the little destroyer doesn't eat those too and I see this... 3 Barbies and a slurpee in hand as she walked to her playroom. She's definitely determined. 

So after cleaning up the kitchen for the 3rd time today, picking up trash, washing Luke's face, scrubbing poop out of the carpet, wiping a poopy butt, bleaching my floor, and going CRAZY I am finally able to sit down long enough to write this and then realize it's almost 6PM and dinner isn't even in the oven. 

Today just isn't my day.

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