Friday, September 11, 2015

A Moment of Silence

14 years later... 

Our nation still comes together, holding hands, taking a moment of silence and crying as we remember the ones lost and the lives affected from this tragedy.  Even though this tragedy didn't take any loved ones from me I sit here and cry realizing how many lives were taken, how everyone's lives were shattered that day in fear of the world around us, how many children are without parents this morning, how many loved ones gone, and how many people are missing someone today. 

This morning at 8:46 I turned off the iPad, closed my computer, grabbed Lennon and sat her on my lap. I watched the news coverage as they took a moment of silence in front of the flag. I listened as they called the names of those lost that day and I hold my daughter so tight. I texted my husband saying I love you, I cherish the little moments every day because we never know what the next minute, hour, or day will hold. 

I don't remember what I did 14 years ago on most days. I don't remember my friends names, my teachers, but I do remember sitting in my classroom that morning as the TV was turned on and we saw the plane hit. I think that's something no one will ever forget... 

The moment the world was shocked with terror, we all remember that. We all remember that gut-wrenching feeling, the shock, the sorrow, and every year that feeling comes back for us, for some I'm sure it's daily! 

I went to New York in 2008 - It was a fun, exciting NYC vacation with our art class to see the city, explore the museums, eat amazing food, take in the outstanding artwork by famous artists at the MET and Guggenheim. One of the last days of our vacation we went to Ground Zero and it was the most impacting experience of my entire trip. When we walked up the WTC pathway and saw the fences I was overcome with an odd feeling... There was an eery silence, no one talked there, suddenly no one was laughing and the sounds of the city drowned out around me. I just stood there like all other tourists and cried as I looked up to see the American flag hanging high above the rubble, one woman prayed down on her knees, many laid flowers around the fence lines, the students I was with took photos, placed their hands over their heart, looked up to the flag. This not only affected the millions of families who lost loved ones but all of us, as Americans who believe in God, as Americans who believe in the good in the world. 

The photos from that day are breathtaking, something I will never forget. I haven't taken time to look back on the photos I took but today I did... Lennon asked what they were and I tried explaining it the best way I knew how. Someday she will read about this in history books, she will learn what evil took place that day and for years to come she will remember this day too. 

Each day, each year, each moment of our lives moving forward we never know what could happen. So we tell each other we love you, we give hugs and kisses and we always treat each day like it's our last. 


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